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Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.

Photo size and properties for parallex  en

Autor: Ahmed E.
Visitado 2824, Seguidores 2, Compartilhado 0  

Hi Claudi,

Now I managed to use the parallex, but photos are NOT properly viewed. he photos looks very enlarged with only 10% of it appears. Does the photos should meet certina creteria with specific size and dimension to view compeletly in Parallex?

Second question, can I control the hieght of the footer and header for the template. Some templates looks too much and others looks too small.

All my questions based on that website

Publicado em
Elisa B.

Hi Ahmed, 

please follow Andre's advice and please let me know if you need further help. 

Kind regards.

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Publicado em de Elisa B.
Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.

Hi Elisa, Andre

I appreciate your coop and I could play with the footer and hieght adjustments, however I had read the manual part and the links you provided me for the Parallex photo and still stuck

You can check this website and for the first and third photos for parallex (one should be for a famil standing in fornt of the a big winow in the airprot, and the other should be A GROUP of studnets). The first one, shows only PART of the family, while the scond one shows only part  of a face of one students.

Should the photos meet specific creteria in order to use (such as less than 500Kb size and 1660X1440 resolution) or any photo should work.

Finally, do you suggest a free application to resize the photo ro its resoltuion or I should go with Photoshop as best practice?

Appreciate your coop guys

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Publicado em de Ahmed E.
Andre E
Andre E

No the resolution of the picture is importand, also the hight/width is importand.

In the first post link there is this tip:


The row height has an impact on Parallax look-&-feel. The higher the item Row is, the clearer the illusion of depth will be scrolling the page. By adding text and an image of 510x320 pixel like the one you see in MyRoseMary, you'll have enough space to make Parallax stand out on your web page.

For editting software I personally am very happy with irfanview, it's free, there are no advertisements and you can do a lot, alo batching and stuff like that and it is pritty straight forward to use.

Hope this helps you a bit further.

Best Regards,

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Publicado em de Andre E
Ahmed E.
Ahmed E.

HI Andre,

Thank you for quick reply, however what is the suitable and reasonable resolution required for the photo. the one I had attached in my links were 600x400 and the size is 500Kb. If the resolution of the photo is important, what is the ideal resoltion and size for normal cell hight?

About the hight and width of , do you mean for the photo or the cell. For the cell, How to control the height of the cell (is it by adding more text or lines in text area? I tried that and added almost 25 lines and the photo still didnt appear as it should) and what about the width? I clicked expand the photo option in Parallex but didnt work as expected as well

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Publicado em de Ahmed E.
Andre E
Andre E

I mean the picture, but the height of the object is also relative (like the more text you have, the higgher the object)

You need to lpay with it, make the picture higer (cut of sides) or widther cut height). and make text bigger and smaller to see the effects, also in the settings in row formats have influance.

I still don't understand what you would like to achieve, If I knew in details I could try and help you out by a step to step guide.

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Publicado em de Andre E