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Ronald M.
Ronald M.

How to influense the font in the emails generated by th webpage  en

Autor: Ronald M.
Visitado 1167, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

Am using Website X5 evolution version 

Have set up a contact page on my website with a confirmation email to the info-requestor and an email to myself (I am using Gmail to receive emails from my website)

In the advanced page of Website X5 i mentioned that the mail message contents should be using font Verdana size 12. 

When doing test runs (I am using Yahoo mail to imitate the requestor) the mail in Yahoo has font verdana size 11 and in Gmail, the mail to myself has as font Arial size 11.    

Any suggestion what the rootcause of this thing might be ? 

Publicado em
Andre E
Andre E

It depends on fonts installed on the computer that receives the mail and also the program that receives the mail.

So on internet with your browser it could be different then on a pc mail program.

If the default or normal font set is not available the software uses another font, so the mail is still shown.

I would not worry about it too much.

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Publicado em de Andre E