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Bernard P.
Bernard P.

I can't receive e-mails sent from my website's e-mail form! evolution 15  en

Autor: Bernard P.
Visitado 2325, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

I can't receive e-mails sent from my website's e-mail form!

I have completed all the details I can see but dont see where to input my mail server details

My mail server requires username and pass word to send out emails.

Where would I input this

The form accepts my input but does not send the data to me



Publicado em
Andre E
Andre E

Bernard, this depends on your host.

I suspect if you need to fill in a password that you have SMTP or Authenticated SMTP.

But again check with your hosting company it could also be SMTP (standard setting for x5)

You can change settings in x5 in step1 then datamanagement  on the left below side.

Here is more help with this:

Best Regards,

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Publicado em de Andre E
Bernard P.
Bernard P.

Hi Andre

Thanks for your comments.

I found the settings for my mail server, and input them in the location Data Management.

I created a new Contact Form Object with the relavant mail information I used SMTP mail information. usernames and passwords

The mail server is my own and is onthe same server box as the website.

Even after adding the settings I still dont get any mail through.

I tried several attempts, but seem to be missing something..


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Publicado em de Bernard P.
Debbari N.
Debbari N.

Bonjour Bernard,

Quel serveur utilisez vous? Car j ai eu le même problème et le blocage venait d'OVH, et que j'ai réglè donc donnez nous plus d'informations.


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Publicado em de Debbari N.
Bernard P.
Bernard P.

Hi Nono

I am using Centos7 64 bit

Mail server is Surgemail from Netwinsite

Been using both these for a long time without any previous problems.


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Publicado em de Bernard P.
Stefano G.

Hi Bernarnd, 

In order to debug the issues with the Contact Form, follow this procedure:

1_ Log into your website's admin panel by adding /admin at the end of your website's URL.

2_ Go to the testing page, and attach a screenshot of the Test results that are ran there.

3_ Try and use the Test Mail form as well, and report here the result.

You can access the admin page with the credentials you can find at Step 1 under User Management

Please let me know the results or if you need further help

Thank you


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Bernard P.
Bernard P.

Hi Stefano

This is a bit more complicated that I thought.

I don't know how to do PHP script or set MySQL databases.

I think I should look for more simple method.

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Publicado em de Bernard P.
Stefano G.

Hi Bernard

As told by the Testing page, these operation should not cost you too much effort since you can be provided all the help you need to quickly set up the right environment on your server in order for the emails to go out correctly.

Since this may vary a little from hosting to hosting, I suggest you first of all contact them in order to get this part sorted out, since it is the very basic of whatever hosting in order to be able to send emails from it.

Please get in touch with them, and let me know if I can help you further

Thank you


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Bernard P.
Bernard P.

Hi Stefano

Thankyou for your email.

Here is the screen capture. Both the webserver and mailserver are hosted on my own server here in my office (Home office)

The folder location I can do but what do I need to do with the MYSQL server.

I have maria sql serveron the centos7 server.




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Publicado em de Bernard P.
Bernard P.
Bernard P.

Can't seem to get it correct.

mkdir /mailer

chmod -R 777 /mailer

created ok.

created database mailer on Maria Sql  created ok, add a  user . tested ok tried using root user same.

However the admin page for the website shows fail still

Seems I am out of my depth with this.

I was told this might be a firewall issue, and again I am out of my depth, dont know how to turn off for test.

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Publicado em de Bernard P.
Stefano G.

Hi Bernard.

Unfortunately, the Staff cannot help you with the configuration of your server.

At this point I'd suggest you either consider a new hosting where you can rely on external support for specific configurations, or wait for other users to stop by and help you out with this, since the problem is now way out of our reach.

Should you still have some concerns I can answer, please get back to me here

Thank you


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Bernard P.
Bernard P.

Hi Stefano

Thanks for your help

I will try to get further help from the Centos work group.



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Publicado em de Bernard P.