Analysis doesn't work in V17 
Autor: Hans Schalk
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Just installed V17 and noticed the analysis and optimizing function doesn't work!
Please solve this issue for me.
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Sono perfettamente d'accordo che non succede niente.
Hi Hans, Humberto,
would it be possible for you to try and activate the analysis on different projects than this one? This would help in understanding if the Analysis seems to be having problems for a project only or for whatever
Please keep me posted
Thank you
Hi All,
Just tried Analysis on two different projects and it does not appear to work.
Quite simply Incomedia this is just not good enough !
I tested multiple projects, also older ones/other versions, they all work. So we need to find why yours is not.
Can you provide more information?
Is it an imported version? From where? Are there special codes in it, like html coding objects?
Do you have the same problem with a new project?
Also have you restarted pc and see if it then works?
Let us know, thanks!
I've updated two different project from V16 to V17, without making any changes and the analyses / optimizing function doesn't work!
Rebooting the PC doesn't help. Like I said in the previous posts, I've just simply upgraded my two projects from V16 --> V17 without making any changes to the projects and I'm not aware of any special codes/objects (and if it does, you should take this into account, not?. You can hardly expect from me to create fake projects that I don't need (lot's of work) to test if this error disappears spontaneously. So I'm counting on your expertise to eliminate this software-bug!
Hello everyone.
I can confirm that we're aware of this issue, and the developers are already looking into the problem in order to get this solved as quickly as possible.
I can confirm that this functionality is not present in the Evolution edition, but still remains an exclusive of the Professional one.
I will be sure to notify you here as soon as news on the issue is available
Thank you
I have the same issue and I will wait for your word
Ah the wonderful world of updates..... I always wait a while to see what issues pop up...... maybe I'll upgrade in a few months..... :)
I don't know why Incomedia does't warn with new version of programm: "You run it on your own risk. For sure many errors and bugs are included inside and programm will be ready for users in few moths after many updates".
Longtime users know it but the new ones have no idea like it works.
For the last updates their seems to be more and more bugs.
It si a trend that should be seen as a trade mark of a company
I was invited to be a beta-tester for v.17 and before I could send my first “bug” report, the software was released! Clearly, it was rushed out with little regard to how bad this release is. I sense that a lot of people are starting to lose faith in Incomedia. Bad Management = Bad Products.
Unfortunately thats not only analysis that doesn't work in v17,
look at the joined picture of my site after updating from v16 to v17 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi All,
It looks like from Stefano G.s post on 15th Nov "I can confirm that this functionality is not present in the Evolution edition, but still remains an exclusive of the Professional one". It appears that us "poor" Evolution users wont be getting the Analysis. Could be an abject failure in good customer relations, lets hope not.
. . . . or you could update to PRO?
(once upon a time I upgraded to pro simply to have more control over responsive design - extra resolutions, cell breakpoints (linebreaks))
Hi Esahc,
Thanks for the hint (hope that you are not on commission), I have looked at Pro and been sorely tempted, however I dont use any of the ecommerce functionality of X5 and as such I cant justify the extra cost at present, the websites that I build are either free of charge as a favour or for charities...........hmmm but still tempted.
Hi Esahc,
I hope you do not mean I should update to PRO to have things properly working.
I wonder if all support staff are like you. If so I will not renew my commitment next time around.
I am expectinct good service not unamed statement. Next time suggest to by from another supplyer !
Hello to everyone,
I can confirm that the issue is that the functionality is not supposed to be there for the Evolution version, and this is the reason why it is currently not working.
I can confirm that we're aware of this issue, and the developers are already looking into the problem in order to get this solved as quickly as possible.
As Esahc mentioned, it is not a matter of having to upgrade to PRO in order to have it "working", but in order to have it at all, since it will still not be available for the Evolution version
Thank you for your understanding
Hi Stefano G,
Thank you for the further update, your reply was unfortunately as expected. Incomedia have missed a very inexpensive opportunity to restore customer faith in the company and X5 by generously rectifying one of the many bugs that are now become too common with the latest releases of X5.
Existing customers do matter, shame on you Incomedia.
Hellos Stefano G,
So far, I,ve always been happy with your X5 software, but what you are telling me now is the bloody limit. By showing this option to evolution users, you have made us a promise, so not committing to this customer promise is against the law and you risking to be prosecuted for this.
Good day to everyone.
I apologize for the trouble this issue might have caused all of you.
I understand that seeing the option in the software but not being able to use it must have caused frustration, but as explained before, said option was not supposed to be there in the Evolution version. In fact, the software is missing the necessary logic for the functionality to work, and thus the reason for the behavior you encountered.
Still, it was never announced nor stated that the Evolution version would receive this particular feature, which has always been a Pro version exclusive, and because of this it will again not be available for the Evo owners.
Once again I'm sorry for any issue this mistake might have caused and thank you for your understanding as we keep on working to improve the software
Thank you