What does Import/Export do? It is just internal within Website X5? Or can I import ANY website? 
Autor: Emilio T.What exactly does the Import command do? Is it just for importing a previously built WebSite X5 project? Or can I import any website, regardless of which software was used to build it?
Similarly, what does the Export command do? Let's say I have used WebSite X5 for a number of years and then for whatever reason I need to move on to using some other website builder. Will I be able to export my complete project into HTML files that I can then import into whatever new web builder I decide to use? Or is the Export command limited only to exporting WebSite X5 projects into a ZIP file that can only be imported and read by another WebSite X5 software (such as a new version of it, or on a 2nd computer)?
In other words, how PORTABLE is my project?
Emilio. Import will open an iwzip of any project built with WX5 from v9 onward. Your version of WX5 can only open projects built with the same or earlier versions (eg v16 can open v15 projects, but v16 cannot open a v17 project).
WX5 cannot import or open projects built with any other application, neither can it import a website in it's final form (ie published).
In WX5 your greatest friend should be step 5 export, export project. This will create an iwzip of the project which can be opened by the same WX5 version or later on any PC. This is a very high quality totally portable single file backup which includes everything required to maintain the project even on a different pc if necessary.
No other website authoring tool can work with WX5 iwzip files.
Thanks for your answer.
This means that WX5 is not suitable for anyone who already has a web site. My existing web site has around 100 very long pages with lots of photos and text on each page. It would be too much work to try to re-create it all from scratch.
Also, if there is no way to export my project into a format other than ixzip, so that it can be editied with other software, then WX5 is a trap from which there is no exit. That is not good.
I had high hopes for WX5, but it looks like it will simply not work for me. Not without import and export from and to the outside world (outside of WX5).
Emilio, I don't know of any website building program that can import files created in other website building programs. The HTML created by each program is different (even though sometimes slightly) as are the file formats.
If you had previously used a program from another vendor you would expect only a later version from the same vendor would be able to open it - X5 goes right back to v9 compatibility. Most other vendors software will only go back one or two versions and maintain some compatilility.
Wayne, as far as I know, I can continue editing my web site -- originally created in Front PAge -- using software such as Dremawever, Blue Griffon, Go Lice, Nvu, and others. I am still exploring these and other options.
After all, a web site is simply a collection of HTML files. If a website editor cannot edit existing HTML files, then what good is it?
Hi Emilio,
unfortunately, and as reported by the other users, it is not possible to import HTML files into WebSite X5, I am sorry about this. You can recreate your project by starting from scratch and salving time by copying and pasting the website contents from the existing online website.
Please let me know if I can be of further help. Kind regards.