Library file optimization 
Autor: Alexander K.Hello, can you help me?
The solution to this problem will save me from a month of extra work. I did not update the Website for a long time and forgot the nuances. Look at this page
I have about 50 such pages. I used to duplicate pictures - for the folder Images with jpg. extension, for the server dopotopa with JPG. extension. The size of the first was 290x217 (the program has converted them up to 288x216). The size of the second was 1920x1440. In 2018, I did not duplicate the pictures and used the same files with the size of 1920x1440. Your program converted these pictures for the folder Images to the desired size of 288x216. BUT! In the folder Library were posted photos of the original size of 1920x1440. This increased the size of the project file by 1.5 GB. Can I convert them to 290x217 or 288x216 that not to replace each picture on all 50 pages? To do this, I need to convert them to jpeg. or tiff. However, my program ACD See, in which I convert files, does not recognize them. I can only see them in the program Paint, but it does not give anything for conversion. How can I convert library files to jpeg or tiff? Or help me to convert the necessary files. Many thanks for understanding
Hi Alexander.
Unfortunately the software doesn't have any additional tool for optimizing, apart from the ones it does automatically when importing pictures inside it.
What I might suggest you try out is the following:
1) Try deleting your older backups. This should save a lot of space in the project file. Also remember to create an IWZIP backup first, as to be sure not to lose important work.
2) Try running the project inside the free Optimizer you can find here and see if the situation improves:
Keep me posted on this
Thank you
Hello, Stefano,
Backup is only 50 MB.I'm talking about 1.5 GB.
I downloaded the optimizer and try.But I doubt the success.
I have 2 specific questions. What image format the project library files have?Is there a tool to convert them in JPEG or TIFF and out? I have to convert them
I have tried WS5 Optimizer. Failed. Doesn't support version after 16.3, but I have 17.0
Hi Alexander.
I apologize. Unfortunately the latest version of the Optimizer which support the latest v17 update is not yet available.
For the moment, I am afraid you will need to either remove the images which are too big and replace those, or try and deleting the big ones directly from the project folder.
Additionally, TIFF format is not advisable for web. I suggest you keep JPG for whatever image doesn't particularly need transparency, since those are the lightest
Let me know if I can provide more information on this
Thank you