How to provide link for flip book that I have created off line on my PC to my web site 
Autor: Yask S.I have created a flip book using my offline flip book creator.
I have all folders ready that inlclude, flies, mobile, js and a file index.html
I have created a folder at public_html/flipbooks/analytic_art on my c panel. I am not sucessful to link my index.html file with my web site.
I also tried with html code
<iframe width="788px" height="960px" src="/public_html/flipbooks/analytic_art/index.html" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen = 'true' allowtransparency></iframe>
I would also like to mention that, If I create flip book using services from some flipbook online, store it on his (service provider) space and then give link, like following it works,
<iframe width="788px" height="900px" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen allowtransparency></iframe>
Could you please explain, how to link my flipbook into my wib site?
This depends on the data of the flipbook and is not easily answered.
If you like i can take a look but it would be easy-er if i received the fipboook and the needed files for it.
(my email adress is in my profile)
Can I mail on
Please confirm
Mail is here hidden in the helpcenter, so I can't see what you wrote.
the adress in my profile is correct
Andre, Hope you have received my email with attachment
Yes I have, it is a lot!
Give me some time, i am rather busy at the moment. I will let you know as soon as possible.
made some time,
because there are several links with personal info i have sent you a mail with different options in it, so see mail!
Andre, your suggestions are working fine.
I colud solve my issue.
Thanks for the feedback.