Why vertical scroolbar not displayed on IOS into an iframe ... An Idea ? 
Autor: Axel
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Hey all,
Why into an iframe (into a text object) the vertical scrollbars are not displayed on IOS !
the link is:https://wsx5demo.afsoftware.fr/index.html
Here you choose to display this article !
On my PC the scroolbars are here
But not on my iPhone, iPad . IOS 12.x
thks a lot
Any idea ?
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(It > Fr) ...x i(!)! boh! ... ...évitez d'utiliser l'objet texte pour les IFRAME ...
... pour les IFRAME, il est préférable d'utiliser le Objet de code HTML ...
...!... les pages externes importées dans IFRAME contiennent des erreurs dans le code source ...!...
In fact, I done a mistake..
iframe is into HTML object...
I have fixed errros with http(s) for google fonts.
others ?
But any idea with no scrool bars ?
IOS issue ?
This functionality you're displaying on your website is actually built with custom code correct?
In general, as you know, the Staff cannot provide support for this kind of issue. I've tested this nonetheless on an iOS 12 iPhone and I can confirm that the scrollbar appears correctly on Safari. Of course, the design isn't the same as on Desktop (and I have to say it isn't quite as clear to see), but the functionality remains and I can scroll correctly after selecting any article. It seems to be working correctly for me
I will leave this topic open for you
Thank you
thanks for your test.
When I speak about vertical scrollbars it's inside an article (when this one is long) and not on the global website.
Chrome / Safaru same issue for me.
I have create a new "long long article"
In fact on Safari, all the article is displayed in one shot and it's readable..
but on not on chrome juste the beginning, and no scrollbars.
So I suppose that it's a chrome issue on IOS
Thanks for your help