A bug in the emailformin version EVO 19.39? 
Autor: Maarten 't Hart
Visitado 1340,
Seguidores 2,
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When i develop a new version of my website and when i want to test it i put website in a new folder on the server of my website. In my example i use www.website.nl/new to test it. Everything is working fine except the email.form. In the emailform i did change my header of the form with a new picture. the picture does not show up but it shows is picture is missing sign. The picture is in website.nl/new/images/picture but does not show.
Do i put the picture in images in the root of the website website.nl it is shown again.
My conclusion is an sofwarebug in the programming
The picture properties shows the incorrect path namely website.nl/images/picture where it is not located.
it is in website.nl/new/images/picture
Can you give me the solution?
Publicado em
Hello Maarten,
Check that you have set the WebSite Address (URL) correctly in WebSite X5. It should be set to website.nl/new instead of website.nl
You will find this in Step 5, either Website export to internet (if you use the built-in FTP client), or Export to disk (if you use a third party FTP client).
Then hold down the CTRL key whilst opening the Preview in WebSite X5. Once the preview has been generated, proceed to export your project in FULL to the server.
Kind regards,
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