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Jason P.
Jason P.

File corruption: website x5 project file v8  en

Autor: Jason P.
Visitado 1484, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  


I recently had a system restart on Windows with Website X5 Evolution V8 and the latest copy of my .ixp project file open.

After restart, the file will not load: the message is "error whilst loading project". The is the latest website file I have with incremental updates over the last month.

An earlier version displays the same message but then jumps to the next screen.

Any suggestions on how to fix this? 

Yes, I know this is an old version of X5 (v8). V8 is not listed in the drop down menu on the forum an Incomnedia do not support this anymore.

A V8 file will not open in V9 and above.

Thanks in advance.

Best regards

Jason P.

Publicado em
Andre E
Andre E

an exported file from v8 should can be used in v9 but not above. (optimize and batch to folder option)

If you wish you can send me the file i can give it a try but don't get your hopes up too high....

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Publicado em de Andre E
Jason P.
Jason P.

Hello Andre

thanks for your message. I don't have V9.

The changes since the last back-up I have are minimal, so I should be able to redo them in an hour or so.

Above V9, is the file structure totally different? By this I mean V10 onwards has a completely different file format.

Thanks in advance.

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Publicado em de Jason P.
Andre E
Andre E

Yes there are many changes from v9. especially in template area but also in objects and the menu and very importand the responsive option/settings, and many more.
But also in the background it's way better compatitble to latest browsers.

Why not try the demo version and see for yourself?

But you have v17 so most of them should be known.

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Publicado em de Andre E
Jason P.
Jason P.

Hello Andre

thanks for your response.

I have v14 not V17.


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Publicado em de Jason P.
Jason P.
Jason P.

Hello Support.

As the tool cannot open the project .iwp file, to save myself a lot of rework, is there a data switch in the file, that has been corrupted in the file, due to incorrect/premature file closure that has altered the checksum?

If so, is there an manual way to alter the switch and recover the file or match the checksum, perhaps in a HEX editor?

I have around a monthd worth of edits to redo otherwise, and this corruption issue affected two file versions/

Thanks in advance.


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Publicado em de Jason P.
Elisa B.

Hi Jason, 

unfortunately, as we do not offer direct technical support for version 8 anymore. Surely it would be more convenient to recreate the website with a newer version, possibly by starting from one of the included templates, so to directly work on a project which is conceived for the version you use: the result will surely look better and more modern. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Publicado em de Elisa B.