Paypal problem 
Autor: Branko P.
Visitado 1864,
Seguidores 1,
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i try to set up the paypal payment solution. But on the end of setup, when paypal try to connect with website x5, i allweys get this message (picture athacment). Does anyone know, why i cant connest?
Trying to connect
why, do i get this message below?
Thank you.
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Hello Branko.
The message is generated by PayPal, not WebSite X5. Have you approached PayPal and asked them the reason why your application could not be approved?
Kind regards,
Search the WebSite X5 Help Center
@ Branko
Jesi li taj PP račun već koristio (primao /slao) novac?
Koja valuta je podešena na tvom web-shopu?
Paul, thank you for your answer i did no ask them yet. But i will.
Pozdrav Siniša,
Niakada još nisam koristio paypal. Napravio sam ga prije nekoliko godina, ali mi ga do sada još nikada nije bilo potrebno upotrebiti. Na web shopu imam EURO valutu (Slovenija), i to mi je isto kao imam u PP. U PP računu sam potrvdio sve svoje podatce kako treba i sve izgleda normalno i nemam pojma zašto mi pokazuje ovo poruku.
ako nisi nikada primao /slao novac preko PP računa - to može biti problem. Oni mogu "ad hoc" odlučiti da im "nisi siguran" kao klijent...
Kreditna kartica ti je "verificirana" od strane PP-a?
Predlažem kontaktiranje PP-a.
Meni su se javili već za 2-3 dana, iako im je uobičajan termin odgovora unutar 7.
OMG, paypal support is insanely frustrating. I v been trying to reach them for 4 days and there is no answear for my problem. I just cant reach them. Is there somone else with the same problem, or is just me :(( ... I dont know how to solve that issues :( .
If i use my paypal for sending money true their webpage, it works fine.
@ Branko
Ja sam prije nekih 6 mjeseci dobio odgovor od PP nakon 15 dana...
BTW - ja od ovih (WSX5) ne mogu dobiti odgovor na ozbiljne BUG-ove po 3-4 dana... Tražim neki bolji prog za ovo...
I find, just phoning Paypal support is just great. If you source the correct number, hit the call back button, they give you a calll back, usually within 15-20 mins and everything gets sorted out really quickly.
I have the same problem and get the same message...