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Anthony Gomez
Anthony Gomez

Import an existing website that was written in html  en

Autor: Anthony Gomez
Visitado 1250, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

how do I import other web sites? I have existing sites that I want to use web creator on. How do i get it to open other sites?

Publicado em
Andre E
Andre E

You can only open a website by using the project that has been made in x5. you can't import a website from internet or any other way.

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Publicado em de Andre E
Anthony Gomez
Anthony Gomez

Well then what good is this software? I'm not attacking you personnally. I spent good money for this software and I cannot edit anything? it makes no sense. I have a few websites that were turned over to me and your saying that I need to redo them entirely? thats going to cost me a fortune. I would think if this software is advanced as claimed it would easily import a HTML coded website.

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Publicado em de Anthony Gomez
Andre E
Andre E

Sorry Anthony,

This is not what the software does, if the other website is not made with x5 then you can't import it.

There is no software that can do this, i wish...... that would be superb.

But creating a new website is not difficult, and you can use text and pictures from website to use in x5, that makes it probably a bit easyer.

But if you totally off track here you have a 30 day money back option. I would give the smalles site a change if i where in your shoes.

It's offcource a bit getting used to, and there is always help available in the program itself, online and here.

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Publicado em de Andre E