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John S.
John S.

Response to posts  en

Autor: John S.
Visitado 1318, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

Maybe it is because it has been too long ago I last made a post - but I just discovered that we now get mails when someone replies to a post.

Thumbs up for that:-)

This has been a long time wish.

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Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Sì, un'ottima cosa! smile

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Publicado em de Giuseppe Guida
Pavel M.
Pavel M.

I would like to receive money, but okay, let there be letters.

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Publicado em de Pavel M.
John S.
John S.

@Guida - Like French, the Italian language is a really beautiful language. Both spoken and in text. Danish and Dutch sounds like a sore throat.

@Pavel - I like your humour!

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Publicado em de John S.
Giuseppe Guida
Giuseppe Guida

Thanks John S. wink I like the English language instead wink

I totally agree with Pavel laughing

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Publicado em de Giuseppe Guida
Andre E
Andre E
John S.
Dutch sounds like a sore throat.

I don't agree    laughing

But yes nice option!

Only for posts made by yourself and you can set it there on and off as well.

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Publicado em de Andre E