Lock pages - Error 500 
Autor: Gregor B.
Visitado 1559,
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Im asking for help.
Yesterday I did an upgrade of WebSite X5 to the latest version.
After changing the website http://www.jim-klobuk.si/index.html access was locked (Error 500) on certain subpages (http://www.jim-klobuk.si/o-nas.php and http: // www .jim-klobuk.si / kontakt.php and all subpages Hats -> Women's hats, Men's hats, Cylinders and half cylinders ...).
Best regards, Gregor
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Check the version of php should be 7.2 or higher but not 8.0
still the same error
Did you upload everything again after upgrading to v2021.1 because parts of the homepage are apparently still missing?
Example missing: http://www.jim-klobuk.si/lovski-klobuki..html
yes, I did so.
Now, when I upload files to the server, it adds another dot to some pages. How is that possible? Where is this written?
I did it. My pages were automatically saved in .php, I had to set up automatic saving in .html
If you add html to php pages, there will be problems on the server as php code cannot be executed.
Explain how to enforce html!
I think that creates the second point?
First I deleted everything from the server. Then I changed from php to html in the WebSite X5 program itself, for each page separately. I hope this is ok. So far, so good.
Hello Gregor
No, this is a wrong procedure
If you have pieces of code in your software that need to use PHP to work, changing the pages to HTML will cause these to no longer work. This is not the correct solution so please return the files to the correct extension and reupload the entire website after deleting the files currently online
After that is done, if you still receive Error 500, contact your hosting provider and ask them to check the server's ERROR LOG. More details on the error will be written there so that I can look further into this
Keep me posted here
Thank you
Hallo Gregor
Nein, das ist ein falsches Verfahren
Wenn Ihre Software Code enthält, für deren Funktion PHP verwendet werden muss, führt das Ändern der Seiten in HTML dazu, dass diese nicht mehr funktionieren. Dies ist nicht die richtige Lösung. Bitte senden Sie die Dateien an die richtige Erweiterung zurück und laden Sie die gesamte Website erneut hoch, nachdem Sie die aktuell online verfügbaren Dateien gelöscht haben
Wenn Sie danach immer noch Fehler 500 erhalten, wenden Sie sich an Ihren Hosting-Anbieter und bitten Sie ihn, das FEHLERPROTOKOLL des Servers zu überprüfen. Weitere Details zu dem Fehler werden dort geschrieben, damit ich näher darauf eingehen kann
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