2021.2.7 new text and links vanishes after saving,press ok, and then previewing
Autor: Peter H.I have been looking at various templates.
I loaded up a couple, one for each test site, while I decide which one will work best for me.
I started testing the fashion blog.
I wanted to change the link name to enter SHOWCASE, as I want to use the blog portion for various projects and dont want the link to say Enter The Blog.
Changing text, saving and press ok, then preview, nothing changes.
So I deleted that TEXT box from the page and tried to recreate the Blog link through a text sentence.
It looks fine, but after saving, pressing OK, and previewing, it is now empty.
I also tried to create a new blog post.
The main heading I can do, but the content does not save, it is always blank when previewing.
So, I gave up on that template and went to TREKKING template.
I created a new page, and inserted text, and same problem, no text after saving, ok, previewing.
What can be done here?
If you are offended, or your OCD is going crazy because I am using the blog for some other purpose, feel free to offer another suggestion.I want the front page for the projects(show case) to have a picture with a bit of text, that then opens up into a full page with detailed text and pictures,and a index for this projects showcase page.
However that is not the main point of my original post, but I mention the above in case you are getting your whitey tities in a knot.
well, this is interesting.
I remembered that I can install on two devices, so Ied a 2020.3.4 version I had, and worked on the fashion blog template for my test website.
NOW, I successfully created blog CONTENT that did not vanish on save.
Renaming the ENTER THE BLOG button did cause everything in that text block to vanish.
But I was able to create a new blog link with a different SHOWCASE, and it stayed.So yippee.
That means Incomedia that your version 2021 that I have installed on my laptop is faulty.
Or ther actual installation on my laptop is faulty.
In that case I should reinstall, but to loose all my previous projects.
I have tried backup and import, but I dont trust it as it has never worked for me when I have tried it before.
"Changing text, saving and press ok, then preview, nothing changes." - press the CTRL key and without releasing it press the preview button.
"I want the front page for the projects(show case) to have a picture with a bit of text, that then opens up into a full page with detailed text and pictures,and a index for this projects showcase page." - try the Product Catalog object.