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nate becker
nate becker

Menus do not work in evo 9  en

Autor: nate becker
Visitado 1863, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 23  
Tags: menus,visable

in the latest version, menus cannot be viewed at all!! vertical menus arent shown, horazontal menus arent shown (meaning, not displayed when viewing webpage) i used to have the version 8, which menus worked fine. but i just payed alot of money for a program that does not even function. i want a refund.

Publicado em
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


You have downloaded the "LATEST" version 9 from the downloads in your profile or pressed "Check for updates" in X5..... The latest is!!

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Publicado em de Cheeky Man
Gwenda K.
Gwenda K.

I moved a site from  using V8 to V9 and I had a small problem with the 3D in the changeover but once I used another effect I have no problems with the menus in V9.

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Publicado em de Gwenda K.
nate becker
nate becker

yes, thats my version. menus are not able to be seen after hours of tinkering.

even tried starting new projects using simple templates and various menu orientations...  program does not work.  i really really want my money back.  paid for it bout week ago.

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Publicado em de nate becker
Lisa F.

Hello Nate,

to solve your problem I need more information.
Could you please attach a screenshot and give me the settings you made for step4, main menu, so we can try to reproduce your problem, because we never have heard of this problem before.

kind regards,


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Publicado em de Lisa F.
W P.
W P.

Just updated to from v.8, and surprise, surprise, after upload the main menue (vertical) is invisible on the web site, the area where it should be is click sensitive. Close your eyes and click...

Regards Wolf

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Publicado em de W P.