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Peter C.
Peter C.

I seek help for my glass shop  en

Autor: Peter C.
Visitado 875, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

I seek help for my glass shop
I must have made it so that I can write
measure on the piece of glass they want to buy
608 x 501 mm can not find any place where you can enter it under a product
something to buy?
see the link

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Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. Please specify what exactly do you want? Do you want to create value input fields?

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Publicado em de Aleksej H.
Peter C.
Peter C.

how can I create an item where the customer can enter the target on this piece of glass the customer wants to order in height and width.
I can only figure out how to make an item for example 610 x 610 mm

Regards Peter

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Publicado em de Peter C.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Try like this:

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Publicado em de Aleksej H.
John S.
John S.


I think Peter want the possibility for a user for each item to specify 2 things for the item.

The width and the heighth. And from a dropdown.

If there is 15 possible widths and 12 possible heights for an item, then he would be forced to make a dropdown list with 180 lines.

You can see it in the same way if it was T-shirts.

For each T-shirt a customer should be able to choose a color and a size.

One dropdown for color :





And one dropdown for the size:






Maybe I am only guessing - but I think it is what it is about.

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Publicado em de John S.


I think explanation from John is OK if you have in majority some glasses with fixed sizes

And the explanation from Aleksej is OK in this case if you have just one customized item into your cart, not any more


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Publicado em de Axel  
Peter C.
Peter C.

What I need for the customer to be able to enter, for example, 401 mm height X 730 width and place this item in the screw.
as the link I posted in first in the thread
There are so many measurements on glass for greenhouses.

creating a standrt item on specific goals is fine enough

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Publicado em de Peter C.
John S.
John S.

So you need one field where a user for a product/item can fill in a value?

Or 2 fields (width and height).

And the value should be "stored" for the item, so you can produce pieces of glass according to what the user has specified on the order right?

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Publicado em de John S.
John S.
John S.

The example you show in your link is probably made with a more professional web-shop-program.

You can make an idea post, where you suggest that X5 should be able to store 1, 2 or 3 values per item on an order, and where the value stored should come from a drop-down or from an input field.

You will then have to wait and see if ever such a thing will be made.

Or you can make a work-around, or you can find a better tool for your web-shop.

I still suggest you make an editable/input-able PDF-form where the user can specify a number of products:

Item number - width - height - number of this product.

This will function right away. And I guess the customer will have to contact you for a price anyway, as there can be no standard-prices - I guess.

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Publicado em de John S.
John S.
John S.

An alternative solution could be something like this:

Imagine the size = width,  and the color=Height

I guess you will not be able to have a price for a product - unless you specify that the price is depending on a square-meter or square-centimeter price.

You can still integrate the shop in X5 via iframe or links.

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Publicado em de John S.


I worked on this shopping script... Take care by defautl, no way to import a product list. So you need to define all items one by one... 

And no way to define a custom payment, custom delivery ...

But you can ask to them to develop this functionnality, not for free of charge foot-in-mouth


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Publicado em de Axel  
John S.
John S.


Do you know if there is a free e-commerce solution that can do what Peter want?

I know OpenCart is a good solution but I don't know if it is able to do what Peter wants.

Does anyone have a suggestion how to solve this?

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Publicado em de John S.