WebSite X5Help Center

David S.
David S.

Program Locks up  en

Autor: David S.
Visitado 1188, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

Every time I attempt to add a new object to a page the program locks up. I cant do anything with it. I have to use task manager to close the program. 

Publicado em
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

1) Temporarily disable your antivirus, firewall and any other protection.
2) Run the program as administrator.
3) Do not run other programs while WebSite X5 is running.
4) Try updating .NET Framework.

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Publicado em de Aleksej H.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Usuário do mês IT

magari non è il tuo caso, ma ...

tieni conto che uno dei motivi che causa i crash è la presenza di troppe celle vuote , o addirittura intere righe e colonne...

se è il tuo caso... riempi TUTTE le celle vuote con oggetti anche vuoti ed elimina le righe e le colonne vuote...

DELETE ALL empy rows and ALL empy columns.

Then put empy object in ALL cells.

Don't forget empy cells.

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
David S.
David S.

Hi Cluadio thanks for the advice as that did fix the problem by removing blank rows. This is a trap for young players.  However I have not had this problem before with earlier versions of the program, I could have blank rows and not cause a problem. I think developers need to look at this and fix the issue on this version 2022.1.6

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Publicado em de David S.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Usuário do mês IT

Ciao David.

Questa cosa è risaputa sin dalla versione 13.

Lo STAFF ne è al corrente.

Basta che tu non lasci intere righe e colonne vuote, e riempi le celle rimanenti... è semplice.

Anche perchè lasciare intere righe e colonne vuote non serve a nulla.

Strano che non ti sia mai capitato prima questo problema.


This has been known since version 13.

STAFF is aware of it.

Just don't leave whole rows and columns blank, and fill in the remaining cells... it's as simple as that.

Also because leaving whole rows and columns blank does no good.

Strange that you have never had this problem before.

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Publicado em de Claudio D.