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Christine C.
Christine C.

Website Access  en

Autor: Christine C.
Visitado 2517, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

Over the years I have made suggesting regards what I would like to see incorporated into X5 this has been put forward to different versions of X5 since version 7 NONE has ever been implicates or given a reason over the years from Version 7 up to version 14 Pro

I have not upgraded because X5 have ignored me.  

What I would like to see is put into any future versions . Is  to be able to restrict accesse to my website, NOT TO PAGES but when anyone wants to access my site they must appy for User Name and to get a Password etc.

It is my understand that X5 do not have the capability to do this or other wise they would have responded over the Years. No doubt I will be given different ways to do what I am asking by doing this and that.

That is NOT what I have been  asking since version 7. I would like to see X5 incorporate what I am asking that is restrict access to my website NOT Just To A Page

Kind Regards Christine

Publicado em
Christine C.
Christine C.

But surely X5 can incorerate these instructions in the Website. I cannot follw your links as it is not in English but thank you for replying.

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Publicado em de Christine C.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Hier mein geschütztes Testverzeichnis, das eine Anleitung für ein geschütztes Verzeichnis enthält.

>> (Name: testuser / Password: testpass)

Here is my test protected directory, which includes instructions for a protected directory.

The instructions are in German and can be translated into English with Google, see


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Publicado em de Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Sorry, the 2nd link is wrong, since the directory is protected, here is the right link.


Copy the German instruction text and paste it into Google Translate in the left field, on the right you will see the English translation of the instructions.

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Publicado em de Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

There are also browser add-ons ...

a) Simple Translate for Firefox

b) Edge Translate for Edge

... which can be used to translate a foreign-language website with one click.

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Publicado em de Daniel W.
Christine C.
Christine C.

I would thank all those who has tried to help me. but it is beyound my caperbility to carry out there instructions

The point I am making is X5 has over many many years asked to incorperate these type instructions into their next version. I am come to the Conclusion that X5 do not want to do this because they cannot be bothered. or They just do not have the knowledge to do it. There is no other reason as to why they have ignored me since version 7 I have purchased all versions up to version Pro 14 but will not purchase any other version as it does not have this password access incorprorated into their Versions . I will just stick with ver Pro 14 and not move on to any other version > COME ON X5 it is time to earn what you are charging for the latest version. NO DOUBT AS USUAL THEY WILL IGNOR ME AS THEY HAVE DONE OVER THE YEARS when it comes to this issue. "INCORPERATE SOMETHING INTO YOUR NEXT VERSION PLEASE".  

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Publicado em de Christine C.
Miguel Galarza
Miguel Galarza

I think you're ordering pizza from a clothing store.

The restriction of a site is done from the hosting or server, and it is very easy to do.

The function of a program to make websites is... That people enter the site. But, it gives you the option of blocking pages with passwords, especially downloads that cannot be "free". and so on.

The function of the server is to give access and block entry to one or several people or ALL. Which I think is what you have in mind.

Although this is work for a "Backend" administrator.

Since "no one" can enter the website, they must contact you in another way so that YOU provide them with access, with a password. (I suppose they are in a kind of CLUB and have direct contact with people and want to have a private page.)

And this is very simple to do, but I think you'll still be waiting for WSX5's response with the addition of this option.


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Publicado em de Miguel Galarza
Elisa B.

Hi Christine, 

I am sorry the wished function isn't available in the software. Please consider it is a pretty specific request, which is probably the reason why it hasn't been implemented yet. You can follow Daniel's suggestions to get the wished result, while I will be more than happy to bring the attention back on this suggestion by reporting it again. 

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Publicado em de Elisa B.
Christine C.
Christine C.

You keep on saying do this do that: Why can you not draw up a small programm that people like me can incorprate it into my X5 that only leaves me to puts in all the addtional command etc.

You advertise X5 as 5 easy steps to build your own website. for someone who has no conputer knowledge its a bit of a mixturer. If I want a Pizza I would go to a place that sells Pizzas, If I want an update of X5 I know not to go to X5 and buy the latest version. Will be looking for an alternative. You have not helped me as you do not know your self how to provide the information for a dumb blond like.

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Publicado em de Christine C.
Christine C.
Christine C.

with the old version of Pro 14 I stick with it. I do not make wishes but for sound advice in a layman terms. If you have the full details that is being used, on someone else website the source code for small program point them my way. other wise please remove ALL MY PREVEOUSE Comments over the past 7 years. As none have been responded to that has  sorted out my problems. Please remove all my past posts from Help Centrer Thank You Have a Nice Day Kind Regards Christine

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Publicado em de Christine C.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

Since I don't need a password-protected area myself, I didn't test this object, but according to the instructions, you should be able to protect several subpages of the website with it, right?

If the manual protection via htaccess is too complicated, then the object login & logout should be enough, shouldn't it?

Or have I misunderstood something and something completely different is needed?

Then describe in more detail what is to be done and why the object login & logout is not sufficient.

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Publicado em de Daniel W.
Miguel Galarza
Miguel Galarza

As I said...

You are expecting WSX5 to incorporate something that is simple to do on server-hosting.

And if I know how to do it, it's just that you have said that you don't need help from anyone, you want to see the solution in a WSX5 update.

The solution is so simple that it makes me lazy to write how to do it.
Keep waiting another 7 years.


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Publicado em de Miguel Galarza
Elisa B.

Hi Christine, 

we can't unfortunately delete posts, but we can make them private, so other users cannot access to them anymore. I checked your account, and you have 51 topics, do you confirm you want them all, including this one, as private?

Thanks! Kind regards.

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Publicado em de Elisa B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Christine, lots of us answered your questions, many you marked correct, many more answers were correct but you failed to respond. Bit sad you think we weren't helpful.

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Publicado em de Esahc ..
Christine C.
Christine C.

I would like to thank Daniel W for his time effort in his attempt to help me. My understanding of compters ends at the start so I stll cannot get to grips with this. But never mind peole have tried to help me.

It is easy for whiz Kids , these same people who know just what to do. I bet some of you cannot do what I have been trained to do.  My training makes it so easy for me. Each person to his own and computer I just cannot get my head round what must look so easy to you all with us both in our mid 70s find it very hard. Kind Regards Christine and Patrick.

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Publicado em de Christine C.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Usuário do mês IT

@Cristina, ti è già stato detto come fare... 

te lo riepilogo 

1) se ti serve almeno una pagina non protetta ... crea un sito di 1 pagina, metti in quella pagina le informazioni che tutti possono vedere, e metti il link al sito protetto che pubblicherai in sottocartella

il tuo sito da 1 pagina non protetto andrà pubblicato nella cartella principale sul tuo Host

2) crea il sito protetto con un altro progetto.

Questo sito andrà pubblicato in una sottoccartella sul tuo host

3) proteggi con password la sottocartella sul tuo host... 

Si fa dal File Manager sul tuo Host , è un'operazione semplice ma se non sai farla basta chiedere all'host.

Per questa operazione che varia da Host a Host , Incomedia/Website NON centra , ma devi chiedere al tuo Host.

Spero di essere stato esaustivo.


@Cristina, you have already been told how to do it.... 

I'll summarize it for you 

1) if you need at least one unprotected page ... create a 1-page site, put the information on that page that everyone can see, and put the link to the protected website that you will publish in the subfolder

your 1-page unprotected site will go into the root folder on your Host

2) Create the protected website with another project.

This website will go published in a subfolder on your host

3) password protect the subfolder on your host... 

It is done from the File Manager on your Host , it is a simple operation but if you do not know how to do it just ask the host.

For this operation which varies from Host to Host , Incomedia/Website does NOT center , but you have to ask your Host.

I hope I have been exhaustive.

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Publicado em de Claudio D.