Upload website 
Autor: Luca F.
Visitado 2545,
Seguidores 2,
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never had problem to upload website I using one.com - but today I get the message unable to connect with the server or incorrect folder.
I checked with one.com they confirm no specific folder just :https:www.nautinsthk.com
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Hello. Try it:
1) Double-check all FTP connection parameters, including the password.
2) Temporarily disable your antivirus, firewall and any other protection.
3) Do not use a proxy or VPN.
4) Try changing the options in the picture below.
5) For an experiment, try connecting to FTP using FileZilla or something similar.
Luca, you may also wish to read https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/pt/post/253094 and especially the ongoing conversation with Krisztián if you do not quickly resolve this issue.
Luca, I have marked your post for Incomedia's attention because you and Krisztián seem to have the same problem.
Hello Luca
We've been informed that in fact, One.com did change something on their side causing issues on this matter
Please try and clear the Destination folder field like this. Then, click on the icon:
When the new window opens, click OK. You should now find that the destination folder has been filled with new text
See if it works this way
Thank you
Stefano, i have tried your suggestion but the result is the same, still get the message : file not found, can not connect to the server
I don't use one.com, but i read this in the one.com manual:
... Tip: Please make sure that SFTP access has been activated before you connect to your web space.
Open your SFTP program (also applies to WebSite X5) and enter the following access data.
Attention: Replace one-beispiel.de with your own domain!
Server/Host: ssh.one-beispiel.de
Username: one-beispiel.de
Password: the SFTP password you set in the control panel
Port: 22
When you connect to your web space, you are initially in your public folder called httpd.www. All content in this folder is publicly viewable in a browser. Your homepage is also there.
Manual from this German Website, translated with Google
>> https://help.one.com/hc/de/articles/115005585689-Wie-kann-ich-mich-mit-SFTP-anmelden-
Thanks Daniel W. I have changed as you suggets but I still get fail to connect to server
Did you also select this information for parameters?
Servertyp: SFTP - SSH File Transfer Protocol
Possibly also test with ...
FTP address: ssh.one.com
... My brother has normal webspace from Strato and the Strato domain after the "ssh." is added to the FTP address. specified.
Same problem here. Also with One.com. One.com changed the adres. I changed it in Website X5 settings. The folder is seen by the Website X5 software but if you export your site it no longer recognise the destination folder anymore.
With FileZilla it works fine.
The settings form Daniel did not change the outcome for me.
Hi Luca,
I think you mean this ( I am one.com user too)
Go at one.com site to your config-screen.
Scroll at the dashboard of your site comleet down . Click here in Services at disk-usage.
Scroll here down to Advanced ....., here you will see the file/system path which you must use
in websiteX5 aspathatone.comin which to upload your files.
Hope this will help.
as path at one.com in
( oops did not use space in this rule above)
I know Jan, i was told to do this bij Lara (One.com employe). I see the path in Website X5 but when i upload my website the path is suddenly unknown.
Strange, I had no problems at all with uploading to one.com ( I am using WebsiteX5 EVO).
And upload to the folder /
and leave blank?
Leaving it blank wil also not work. I allways had the same as you just the /.
I have version EVO 2021.2.8 64 bit. and have this problem sinds last week.
Iam using WebsiteX5 EVO 2022.2.9 and have no upload-problems, also not with versions before.
( Dan zou ik het ook niet weten, ps: mooie foto's op je verkoopsite , echt super)
Dankjewel Jan.
Dan ligt het aan de versie. Die van mij is van vorig jaar. One.com zei ook dat het door "verouderde" software kwam (en een update aan hun kant). Misschien maar weer updaten dan...
thanks to everybody the solution that work is do as suggest in photo one but before the FTP parameters need to be changed as photo two
the oter photo
Luca, are you saying that your problem is solved? Can you explain what you mean with photo 1 and 2?
Het schijnt dat je in WebsiteX5 ... Website exporteren naar internet... bij Parameters....
Bij FTP -instellingen : SFTP - SSH File Tranfer Protocol te moeten instellen .
en dan ( voor one.com gebruikers) FTP-adres: ssh.domeinnaam.nl in te vullen.
Maar in het dahboard van one.com in het config-scherm moet je ook bij FTP instellingen ook aangeven dat je
SFTP gebruikt.
Dit had ik al lange tijd geleden gedaan, dat verklaard misschien dat ik nimmer problemen met uploaden naar one.com heb gehad.
( Maar ik las net ook hier ergens dat one.com schijnbaar een update heeft gedaan, daar bij andere gebruikers van WebsiteX5, zonder iets te veranderen, probleem spontaan opgelost was.)
Bedankt voor je uitleg Jan, het is gelukt. Ik moest alleen even bij One.com aangeven dat ik SSH wilde gebruiken. Instellingen aanpassen naar SSH File Transfer Protocol en poort 22 i.p.v. 21. Na het aanmaken van een nieuw wachtwoord werkt het weer.
Goed te horen!
For me, removing the "/" from the 'Destionation folder' resolved the problem.
I am using normal FTP.
To De Beer M, yes the problem solved, it appears that the attachment did not upload, but you can refer to the answer from Stefano G on 9/262022 and also the answer from Daniel W on the 9/27/202