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István S.
István S.

Fixed header, fixed menu, fixed sticky menu  en

Autor: István S.
Visitado 1454, Seguidores 2, Compartilhado 0  

Hello Everyone!

First of all, I'd like to say that I am, all in all, a satisfied and happy user of WSX5 products. I've been with you guys constantly, renewing my licences, buying lots of extras at the marketplace, for 10+ years now. 

Nevertheless, I must express my disappointment since the fixed header issue still hasn't been solved after so many years, and countless new versions of the software. 

The problem, briefly:

Since I started using WSX5, I have always wanted a proper, fixed menu, fixed header, or permanent sticky menu option. I must emphasize, the built in sticky menu in the software is not what I am talking about. Of course, I know that it's available, I use it as well, since there is no better alternative currently. 

What I am talking about, however, is what other website designer providers also offer. It's a basic tool of wix, weebly, wordpress, just to name but a few. With these, you can freeze your header, and from that moment, the header (with the logo, menu and other elements) is always visible, it's there the very moment you type the domain and hit the enter. It's there... no floating down, no nothing, it's there immediately. 

The one we have in WSX5 knows everything we can wish, but it's floating, coming down, therefore it's not fixed, or not the way I imagine and wish to use it.

It's an old issue, it dates back to 08/17/2017 when I first wanted to sort this out and posted a question about it. This question has been visited more than 1200 times since then. I hope this high number of visitors supports the need for this function.

Here's my original question:

And finally:
The idea, suggestion or request I am about to present:

Please provide us with a fixed header / a new fixed sticky menu option without any floating down effect or without any time to wait for the appearance of the menu/header.

Please, solve this and make it possible with one of the following new versions, in the nearly future if it's possible. It really should be a new button somewhere, probably where the sticky menu option is. 

Thank you very much for your help in advance.

Best wishes,


Publicado em
Miguel Galarza
Miguel Galarza


In this post I left a solution to leave the menu fixed.

I think there are few people who want to leave the fixed menu, as long as it is small, since if it takes up a lot of space on small screens, it leaves very little space to view the content.
Or you can edit for different resolutions.

It has since May 2021 that I gave this solution and since before it is required to be added to wsx5 and nothing.

El post está en Español, activa el traductor.


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Publicado em de Miguel Galarza
István S.
István S.

Hi Miguel and thank you for your comment!

Frankly speaking, I am not much of a coder myself, and mainly this is why I opt for working with WSX5. I would like to have an official, built in function which can do the work. 

Plus, you mentioned that the fixed menu might take up much space. I think it wouldn't take up more than the sticky menu option we have right now, would it? :) I mean users can set it as they like, there would be no difference in this respect if a fixed header/menu would be available. (The current sticky menu leaves little space to see the content right now if you set it high, doesn't it.)

All the best, and thank you again!


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Publicado em de István S.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪

... Hi, ... (It > En) ... since the stick bar is already foreseen, it seems to me a double request...
... if you are able to correctly configure headers and stick bars with a few clicks for all breakpoints, the stick bar already exists, ready, it is to be preferred and it is also elegant...
... however, nothing detracts from the possibility of being able to use simple EXTRA code, no preparation is required...
... my code, similar to the previous one, born 10 years ago for v.12 for example also considers the background...
...not all the headers and menus contained therein have the same characteristics, and in case of EXTRA code it should be evaluated on the basis of the real page exported online, ...but nothing difficult or impossible; ...after two or three clicks you have already learned, also for your own satisfaction...wink




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Publicado em de  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪