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Dmitry P.
Dmitry P.

Unable to open new Blank project  en

Autor: Dmitry P.
Visitado 697, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

Hi All,

Just bought and installed the last version of Evo.

I can create new projects based on ready templates, but unable to open new-clean project from BLANK templates.

- Tried some times to reinstalled the software

- Changed location of projects folder

- Checked permissions on the folder

- Changed languages

- Cleaned up the projects folder

It is starting to download the blank project and just failing to open it after it.

I see the new folders and files under this location

Anybody can help me with the issue please?

Publicado em
Franz-Josef H.
Franz-Josef H.

it seems to be a problem with the Evolution version. The same problem is described in this posting in the German forum. I'm also marking this post for Incomedia.

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Publicado em de Franz-Josef H.
Dmitry P.
Dmitry P.

Just downloaded trial version 2023.2.3 and it is working fine, but my LICENCED version 2023.2.6 is NOT ...

Really WTF...

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Publicado em de Dmitry P.