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Matthew B.
Matthew B.

How to increase font size for mobile without increasing font size on desktop?  en

Autor: Matthew B.
Visitado 1356, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

Title say's it all... I received a message from google stating that my font size for my mobile site is too small.. However using X5 the only way I am seeing to make font larger is to increase the font size for the desktop site. I don't want to do this as I like the font size I have already on desktop display. I just want to increase the font size for mobile devices.. How can I do this?

Here is a link to my site if that helps:

Publicado em
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

6 years ago this code for font enlargement on mobile devices was posted here in the community, see


----- Code -----

<style> @media screen and (max-width: 600px) { * {font-size:22px !important;} } </style>


For my test page, I increased the font size to 22px instead of 10px so that you can see the differences better.

Since I don't have a cell phone, it was tested on the computer in the Firefox simulator. When changing portrait and landscape format you can clearly see the differences.

My Test page >>


Settings in WebSite X5:

A) Paste the code for the required pages under...

3 Sitemap

... mark the desired pages one after the other and click on "Properties" at the top and select "Expand". Insert here at "Custom Code // Before the </head> tag".

B) Or just paste the code once for many pages under...

1 Settings > Statistics and Code / Code

... in “Custom Code // Before the </head> tag”.


However, unwanted effects can also occur on individual pages or on all pages, e.g. in the header. So just test with different values ​​for the font size.

Since the code was posted 6 years ago, there might be other options today, so wait and see if the moderators have better solutions.

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Publicado em de Daniel W.
Matthew B.
Matthew B.

Thank you for the reply. I really appreciate it. I'm gonna wait to see if any of the moderators have any better solutions but if not.. I will definitely give this a shot.. Not my ideal way to do it but if it works and doesn't change all my other title fonts also.. then so be it.. thanks again

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Publicado em de Matthew B.
Matthew B.
Matthew B.

The font on the test page looks good.. That's a good size and what I am going for.. 

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Publicado em de Matthew B.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Matthew, how new is your website? Did it pass the font size test in the past?

I have a number of websites and "apparently" at random Google informs me variously that the menu items are too close, that the font is too small, etc. As best I can gather the problems are caused by my web host momentarily faultering whilst google loads. Once I realised this I simply resubmitted my sites to google, invariably there was no error.

In my opinion if the text is in fact too small on the mobile then it is also too small on the desktop site, so it may be wise to increase the point size. To me your site on mobile is easier to read than your desktop site (because I am aging and my eyes are failing), but at 120% desktop (ctrl+) it is quite easy for me to read.

As Daniel said, introducing code to increase text sizes outside of WX5 control is likely to offer some unpleasant surprises.

PS Nice site! (the Fireplace Services table needs minor attention at tablet resolutions)

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Publicado em de Esahc ..
Matthew B.
Matthew B.

This version of the website is probably 7 or 8 years old but I just reworked it a couple months ago and made some changes after I updated to the newest version of X5.. I never received anything from google about the font sizes prior so must be something from the recent trasition from my older version of x5 to the newer..

I did increase the size of the font by one size and resubmit which google accepted and say's all is good now... So hopefully that is that... 

However I do still want to make the text larger slightly as when I pull up my website with my phone it does look pretty small to me... Of course I can easily zoom in... Funny thing is, when I pull up my website with my pc the words are giant.. I don't have to zoom in at all to read.. but, after you telling me that it looks small on desktop for you.... It reminded me that I have windows on my pc set to large display size because my eyes aren't the best either.. So perhaps the solution is to make everything a little larger after all..

Thank you for all the help guys.. Really appreciate it.. And thank you Esahc for the tip on the services page. I will see if I can get that sorted.


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Publicado em de Matthew B.