Disappearing Header 
Autor: Adrian WoodHi
I have an issue with the Header on my website. It does not appear when the site is uploaded.
I have a responsive website.
In template structure I have made all the sections black background.
In Header I have background black and have added the website logo image. This appears now on the header in the preview panel.
I want to adjust the image and find that I cannot and I also cannot delete the image. I am thinking that I should not have added the logo image here but in Template Content; so..
I go to Template Content thinking that I can add the image there but find I cannot because I think I have made it a part of the header background .
I have continued to construct the site through all the resolutions and find that the header and logo appear in all views. When I upload the site, the header is not there, only the body contents.
Strangley as I go through the various sizes on my PC, iPad and Phone, the logo appears in the 720-1100px but in none of the others.
I notice that there are objects below in Template Contents; one being an image.
How can I delete the image I added in Template Structure? Assuming that it should not have been added there.
How can I add the logo image to the Header bar in Template Contents such that I can change position and size as well as to add a link?
Why might it be that although the header appears as expected in all the resolutions as expected in the Preview panels and yet is not there once the site is uploaded?
Which website is having problems?
A link would be helpful and also screenshots to see what it looks like in the preview.
Hi Adrian,
I agree with Daniel, could you please post the link to your website, so we can better verify this issue?
Thanks! Kind regards.
Thanks for your help. Here is a link to the website. Apologies for the delay.
You will think that the logo appears at the top in every resolution but I think I have only done this by adding an image object over the one in the original header and making it bigger. What I want to do is to delete the one I added to the header in Template Structure and then add the Image Object in Template Contents. Is this the right way to do this? Also, previously I had a link from the logo on every page to take the viewer back to Home but I can't see where to add the link now.
Thanks again.
... you put the same logo
Header Background
in two different sections...
... here:
... it's here:
... ... ... ...
... off topic:
...you didn't replace the pageflip numbering code...
Do you mean this image?
It seems to be visible on any resolution in my case.
Anyway, if you added the image ad Header Background you should be able to delete it on Step 2 > Template Structure by choosing the corresponding section.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Thank you
When I looked in Header and Header back ground I can see no way to delete so I made a copy of the logo smaller to fit over the top in Template Contents. I will delete the logo in Header background when I can see how to do it.
To KolAsim
Thank you for your code which I have saved and will be using it on my next website where I am using more flip books. I am very grateful though so thank you.
... OK ... ciao ...
Hi Adrian,
can you possibly post a screenshot of the Template Structure section?
Thanks! Kind regards.