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Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

How to find an old website  en

Autor: Duncan Baker
Visitado 265, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

I have had to buy a new computer. I have two external drives wchi act as a backup and a pair of raid driees.  I can see the two backup and the raid drives on explorer but if I try to renew the settings on Website it onlly sees the local c drive and the ackup drive. I need access to the raid drive. Help please!

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Duncan Baker
Duncan Baker

If I click on the IWPRJ (or is it LWPRJ) it opens the Website program but does not open the project. 

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Publicado em de Duncan Baker
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Usuário do mês EN

The backup copies have the file extension .iwzip, maybe try that.

I have no experience with RAID drives, so I won't say anything about it.

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Publicado em de Daniel W.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Usuário do mês ITUsuário do mês PT

If you do not have the iwzip file
you can copy the folder that contains the iwprj2 file with all the contents and all the subfolders to the default project work path.
To find the default path when you open website , click on Preferences...

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Publicado em de Claudio D.