Audio Object Issue has suddenly occured 
Autor: Garry FaegenburgHello all,
I recently discovered that two of my pages that make use of the Audio Object are no longer working properly.
I have several audio files that are original music that I make use of the Audio Object to enable people to play the .mp4 files as well as download them.
I have no idea when the issue started, but now when you load the page, only the first audio file will play correctly. All the other audio files that appear on the page will not function at all. Only they very first one on the page.
I have a sneaking suspicion this could be a Microsoft operating system problem, but everything was working ever since I created this website back in 2019.
I am using Windows Server 2019 Virtual Machines, running inside a Physical Windows 10 system using Hyper-V. I also have port 1755 for WinMedia Streaming active on my Router which honestly I thought was necessary from the old days.
Does anyone have any clue what might be going wrong now? I have checked all the audio files. All play properly locally on the systems.
I am not current on Website X-5 Updates since I won't be building anything new. But this function worked just fine when I created the websites way back in 2019.
Also, the same problem occurs no matter what browser I use. I have ALWAYS used Chrome, but this same issue exists on Microsoft Explorer or Edge.
Any ideas will be most greatly appreciated.
I started the music for a few seconds on all of the audio players displayed on the music.html page; it worked for all of them except the last one.
Hello Garry,
I also visited the pages music.html and special-features.html and, like Daniel, was able to play all tracks on the pages except for the last ones, these two:
When inspecting the pages, this error was displayed upon clicking on these players:
Could you please try removing and adding again these two players, making sure they are set up exactly like the others? After adding them, please regenerate the files with a CTRL + Preview and publish the website again.
Thank you.
Eric and Dan,
Thanks VERY MUCH for checking the pages and ofering your suggestions. I just went through and delted and re-added the Audio Objects and clicked on preview for each one as I added them.
After uploading all files again to the production site, everything seems to be working correctly now.
I have no idea what was going on, but I will certainly follow that procedure in the future if I make any changes.
I know when I am on my own network here, I am bypassing the streaming code from Windows Media Support but I really don't see how that would make any difference.
I can't thank you both enough for taking the time to check things out for me.
I was so bummed out that things were not working as intended. Not like anyone goes to my website anyhow, but I hate to have something out there that doesn't function properly. I'm supposed to be a pro at this stuff and it's a bad refelection when things don't work.
Thanks again guys and hopr you both have a wonderful Christmas and New Years!