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Jacek A.
Jacek A.

Contact form  pl

Autor: Jacek A.
Visitado 72, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

I have a problem with the contact forms on the following pages:

The forms worked on the previous hosting, but the projects were transferred 1:1 to the new one and now they do not work.
Both sites are on the same hosting, and the service provider has indicated the following cause of the problem:
“The forms are impersonating non-existent addresses via our server, which contradicts the SPF policy - so they are automatically rejected. You should indicate on both pages the correct existing email address in the site domain.”

It is not true that the forms impersonate non-existent addresses. Both addresses are in use all the time and worked on the previous hosting.
The truth is that in the form of the website the address is in the .gmail domain (neither the sender nor the recipient receives the message).
On the website, the address is in the domain of the site - (the message does not receive the recipient, the sender gets a copy).
Of course, both forms are configured so that the sender should also receive a copy.

To test them I changed email address, and also created new forms and it all didn't work as well.

I noticed that on server in the folder of the site appeared a file “email_log.txt” with entries like:
“[2025-01-24 13:34:30] Could not instantiate mail function.”.
There is no analogous file in the folder of the website.
Why? Which program setting generates this file?

- The php version on the server is 8.2.27.
- I opened the project preview with the CTRL key before publishing.
- I'm uploading files by FTP Client (I always did and I want to stick with it), so below suggestion doesn't work for me:
confiStep 5 > Upload the website to Internet > Parameters > E-Mail disable the option Allow sending from different sendersthis feature.

I would appreciate your help.

Publicado em
Jacek A.
Jacek A.

I just received logs from hosing company with comment:
"I am providing a direct excerpt from our logs from today where the impersonation is visible.

2025-03-06 08:14:38 H=( [] U=2754 rejected MAIL <***>: User 2754 denied to send e-mail from (envelope/not_user_domain)"

*** is the address that was written in form as guest e-mail.

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Publicado em de Jacek A.
Jacek A.
Jacek A.

I concluded that the web host interprets as an impersonation attempt, in case I specify the sender address (attachment) in the form. After unchecking these options, the messages arrive under one condition: defined email address must be within the same domain that webpage.
If my address is for example @gmail all emails are blocked.

Please let me know what to do so that unchecked options could be active and email address can be different than domain.

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Publicado em de Jacek A.
Stefano G.

Hello Jacek

The issue is exactly the one the hosting reported. I will explain why

For better security, in many hosting spaces you're no longer allowed to send out emails from a domain different than the one of your own website.

This means no more or or anything like that.

If your website is called, the email used to send out emails must be something like 


The domain must be the same. Do this and the emails should work again

I remain available here



Cześć Jacek

Problem jest dokładnie taki, jaki zgłosił hosting. Wyjaśnię dlaczego

Dla większego bezpieczeństwa, w wielu przestrzeniach hostingowych nie możesz już wysyłać wiadomości e-mail z domeny innej niż domena Twojej własnej witryny.

Oznacza to koniec z lub lub czymś podobnym.

Jeśli Twoja witryna nazywa się, adres e-mail używany do wysyłania wiadomości e-mail musi być czymś w rodzaju


Domena musi być taka sama. Zrób to, a wiadomości e-mail powinny znów działać

Pozostaję dostępny tutaj


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Publicado em de Stefano G.
Jacek A.
Jacek A.

Thank you for explenation. So what about checking "Sender's email" in contact form settings?
Obviously guest's address is in another domain. Won't it be treated as another impersonation attempt?

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Publicado em de Jacek A.
Andrzej K.
Andrzej K.

Ja po prostu zakładałem maile w danej domenie i ustawiasłem na serwerze pocztowym przekierowania na właściwy mail. Najprościej.

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Publicado em de Andrzej K.
Jacek A.
Jacek A.

Dzięku Andrzej, koniec końców zrobiłem tak samo.

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Publicado em de Jacek A.