Autor: Andre EHello Incomedia,
I bought V9 recently and it has a lot of nice improvements.
But there are also some items that where better and more flexible in V8. I've read some post from other people that seem to have the same idea.
Is it possible to get the tooltip function back like V8? I understand it's changed because of hassle of configuring it all the time. It stands to reason to do so, but there are also reasons why it's not functioning by keeping it over the hole website the same.
For example I use the different colors and style to make a remark or to give more attention to an item. This is not possible anymore, also on the top of the website i would like the pop up to go downwards and on the bottem or left another side to make it more clear for the visitor of the website.
Can't you make an overule TAG ? This way if off you get the standard version if on you can configure it seperatly. (A bit like the border in cell style's in V9) This way you can truly design your website the way you want it.
And everybody can handle it the way they want.