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Brian W.
Brian W.

X5 Compact 8 To 9  en

Autor: Brian W.
Visitado 2108, Seguidores 2, Compartilhado 47  

If I upgrade to X5 compact ver9 will the slideshow work in IE9.

Do I have to buy the new package and does it upgrade or does it run alongside the old Ver 8. Please note, "Compact" as everything I read is about evolution.

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Samantha M.

Hello Brian!Smile

Yes the slideshow will work in IE9 and you can not upgrade, but the Compact version only costs 29.95€. Obviously it does not have all the solutions that the Evolution version can offer you.

You will be able to run it with the old version on the same computer because they work in a different way, but, it is an upgrade therefore once you will delete your old version, you will not be able to use it anymore.

For more info on the compact version:

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Publicado em de Samantha M.
Brian W.
Brian W.

Samantha M

I am using Compact ver 8 and the slideshow does not work in IE9 but is OK in Firefox. Using windows 7. I assume if I purchase compact ver9 it will solve that.

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Publicado em de Brian W.
Brian W.
Brian W.

OK, so I bought a copy of Ver 9 (Compact). Great but how do I get my project made in Ver 8 into my Ver 9. It wants me to import an IWzip file. Version 8 doesn't save this type of file so, have I wasted my money.

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Publicado em de Brian W.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . you did read this info provided by Incomedia ?

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Publicado em de Pcssa .
Brian W.
Brian W.

Where did that come from then, I uploaded from the internet and didn't see that.

Thanks for the pointer. I will read and digest.

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Publicado em de Brian W.
Brian W.
Brian W.

X5 compact Version 9 asks me to import my Ver 8 project but it wants it in a zip file. Version 8 does not save this type of file, am I missing something ?

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Publicado em de Brian W.
Samantha M.

You need to import your Evo 8 project that is ''.iwp'', not ''.iwzip''.

''.iwzip'' is the Evo 9 file extension.

Please look for your ''.iwp'' project file, built with your Evo 8 , if you can not find it please look for your ''.bws'' which is your backup copy of your project file and rename it ''.iwp''. Then import it in your Evo 9.

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Publicado em de Samantha M.
Brian W.
Brian W.

Good advice but the import form automatically puts the iwzip suffix in the import box and it seems that nothing I do will allow me to input an iwp file. I got fed up in the end and just rebuilt the site having ver 8 one side of the screen and ver 9 the others side then copy paste text and coding and re inserting the pictures.

I have yet to upload but the new slide show version looks good. Would be nice if there was page turn software for magazine and book pages. Is that a possibility. The icing on the cake.

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Publicado em de Brian W.
Brian W.
Brian W.

A lot of faulty information from you I'm afraid. The import from Ver 8 to ver 9 (compact) does not work. You have not thought through or tried the solution you gave me. If you are posting answers to users problems then you should understand the product a bit more.

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Publicado em de Brian W.
Samantha M.

I am sorry Brian, as I was saying in my first post you can use both versions on the same computer and work with your compact 8 and 9 toghether but you can not import your project from the Compact 8 to the Compact 9. You did not ask if you could import the project and I did not specify, I'm sorry, I should have said so.

I apologyze because I forgot you where talking about the Compact version Embarassed infact in my second post I was talking about the Evo 8 and the Evo 9 (that is the Evolution 8 and the Evolution 9), not about the Compact!

I see you have created your project and I am glad you are satisfied with it. Please post an idea for this suggestion ''Would be nice if there was page turn software for magazine and book pages. Is that a possibility. The icing on the cake.'' I'm sure our technical team will be glad to receive it and maybe keep it in mind for the future updates.

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Publicado em de Samantha M.