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Mike P.
Mike P.

My Guestbook Does Not Work  en

Autor: Mike P.
Visitado 9067, Seguidores 2, Compartilhado 43  

My gustbook does not work.

I cannot let the user post.

Mozilla Firefox Windows 7

Publicado em
Mike P.
Mike P.

Hi I have tried changing the log in and password on step 4 to match my control panel log in and password and I still do not have the permissions to create a database.

My goodness ! I even created a blog in the vain hope that this would get my guest book working but no. It still does not work.

PLease, Please Please tewll me what to do next!!!!!!!!!!

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Publicado em de Mike P.
Mike P.
Mike P.

Why are you ignoring me I feel very agrieved that I paid for the Upgrade mainly because the new version came with a guest book whicxh does not work.

IO have tried till I am blue in the face  and it still will not work.

I do not have the priveleges on my host web site to create databases with yout icon.

I can create them with Hostmonster's icn I even created one with the name included in the widget html code.

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Publicado em de Mike P.
Mike P.
Mike P.

Right I am still not happy.

I finally got to the control panel and did the test and it came up 100% green.

I can see my blog.

I can see the no comment line for my address book but I cannot edit or add anything to the blog.

Nor can I see any options to allow entrys or change anything.

So where do I go from here.

I can put my old opensource gbook back butr that does not use the sitee css file so looks foregn but it did bloody work.

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Publicado em de Mike P.
Tony B.
Tony B.

Hi Mike,

I did a test on your guestbook and it came back with an "There was a problem during the comment insertion".  I would imagine that this is a permissions issue on the folder that contains your guestbook. 

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Publicado em de Tony B.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

-> your hosting package does include PHP5 and MySQL-databases ?

-> CHMOD is set to 777 or 775 ? for the folder(s) needed ?

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Publicado em de Pcssa .
Mike P.
Mike P.

Right I have now logged into the right control panel and set theguestbook path to/public_html/public.

I have also created the blog and set the comments path to /public

The control panel gives me green for all parameters.

But I cannot edit the comments field in the control panel.

I can highlight the words "no Comment" but if I try to type any character I am diverted to the Firefox find it box.

What have I got wrong please?

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Publicado em de Mike P.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . you did enter the first post as admin ?

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Publicado em de Pcssa .
Mike P.
Mike P.

How do I enter the first post as admin please?

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Publicado em de Mike P.
Mike P.
Mike P.

My web Hosts hjave stated that they do not allow 777 and 577 should be good enough.

Which presumably means No guest book unless I move Hosts again?

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Publicado em de Mike P.
Riccardo P.

Hi Mike,

your site is saved in the "public_html" folder?

if yes try to set the path of the guestbook "public" not "/public" and check to have the 777 permission on this "public" folder.

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Publicado em de Riccardo P.
Mike P.
Mike P.

Wow it worked

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Publicado em de Mike P.