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LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Image Path Gets Incorrect After Export  en

Autor: LogoLogics A.
Visitado 1598, Seguidores 2, Compartilhado 44  

Image path gets // instead of / after export !!

After hours of trying to figure out why immages keep disapearing after export, Frank came up with this detail that just might be the problem.

At first when we insert an image the path is for example:

C:\WebSite X5 - Projecten\Zealand\sea.jpg

after exorting the path becomes:

C:\WebSite X5 - Projecten\Zealand\\sea.jpg

After that images start dissapearing.. OF  COURSE the software cant find this image any more for after the import it creates another non existing path!!!


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LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

hmmmmmmmmm did a lot of experimenting, moving projects from one computer to another. The double // is strange, but does not seem to be the cause of the disapearing immages after importing them to another computer.Sealed

Thing is that apparantly we still have to import an excisting project into the excact same path as the first computer, then and only then the images find the same path on the second computer and they wont disapear, just like the V8.

To be clear:

If on the first computer, you saved/ linked all your files in:


make sure to create on the second computer this exact same path before importing the iwzip to the second computer.

Choose the same path C/1V9/BagDesing and import the iwzip there.

All the images will be displayed!

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Publicado em de LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Thing is, we will have to insert our pictures directly from the "linked" folder we decide to keep all items of a website in.

We can then decide to divide that folder in subfolders, so, especially when we have a webshop with several images and pages, we can name subfolders by the actual page name in the webshop and only put the images of that page in it.

That way, our folders are organized, and we link directly form the path that wont be moved afterwards.

We don't seem to have the luxuary to get them from what ever location we want, for if that location changes, the images are gone.

Other then V8 ( which nicely puts all inserted images themselves in the linked folder we choose to maintain in the: export the files step 5 ) V9 only exports everything zipped in the iwzip. Other then V8, this zip is no recognizable path for each image, so the editor cant find them, once we change location where we first got the image from.Cry

Only if we delete the iwzip out of the editors list, then import it back in, it will throw images ( all together ) in the linked folder of our choise. If we were so bold to change the first location, we can start all over again.

If we dare to have changed or got images from more then one different location, and changed these locations, before deleting and importing the iwzip, then we still seem to lose images, its a mess.

Frank recorded some of our testing:

* it can take some time before the demo starts, after clicking on Part one and Part Two.

You can see how the Incomedia way, loses the images, the old V8 way keeps them.

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Publicado em de LogoLogics A.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Top and bottom of V9 ?

It just doesn't work like it's supposed to!!

If you are creating a 10,000 page project like you advertise the images are pulled from different locations on the computer. And this is NOT happening in most cases.......

If we insert a JPG called computerteacher.jpg from C Drive then another image called computerteacher.jpg from D Drive according to your import proceedure these will be thrown together in the link folder where one is renamed to underscore 1 Which will give a missing image. (See attachment)

Besides when I imported this project (4th Time) the path names to the images were wrong in any case!!


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Publicado em de Cheeky Man
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Pfffffff....yes, as we seem to figured it out, afters hours and days of testing and frustrating over this, it seems we MUST keep one folder FROM THE START of a new project, organise this at first, then and only then start inserting images from this and only this location.

Further more, this must be a location, that any computer will have, like C drive folder 1 or something like that. Most computers have a C drive, not every computer will have a D If the project is exported to another computer, the location must be exactly the same C drive!!

If you choose a deeper location on C drive ( users, name of the computer ) that path will not be right after transporting it onto another computer, that in most cases will have another computer name.

If we designed a website for a client, and this client wants to work on his website himself after that, by buying his own copy of the V9, this must be known, otherwise this client will no longer see all the images that where first inserted by us.

For those of us who use this for business purposes, that is a disaster!Yell

This software was supposed to deliver professional looking websites and was supposed to be able to transport it to another computer, without loosing all the images.

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Publicado em de LogoLogics A.
Cheeky Man
Cheeky Man


Touché Incomedia!!

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Publicado em de Cheeky Man
Steve J.

Hello, I think you didn't see my answer on the other post here:

Please just choose only one post where to talk about the same issue. Wink

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Publicado em de Steve J.
LogoLogics A.
LogoLogics A.

Hi Steve,

No i did not see your answer, up till now.Wink

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Publicado em de LogoLogics A.
Steve J.

Ok, I close this post because I see your answer in the other post Wink

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Publicado em de Steve J.