Website X5 Evolution 10 In Other Language 
Autor: Norbert Ciganek
Visitado 4011,
Seguidores 4,
Compartilhado 0
Is Website X5 Evolution 10 available in Slovak like Website X5 Evolution 9 ? How do I getSlovak,when I've already boughtinEnglish
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Hello Norbert,
You can find all the available languages in the downloads section of Answers. We'll update that page as soon as new languages are available.
Thank you!
When will theTurkish languageversionwebsitex5v10
Hello Enver,
As soon as the turkish language will be available, you will see it in the downloads page of Answers.
Thank you!
version of theTurkishversion ofv10are welcome.Turkishversionwill be releasedwhenrespect.
What about Greek ??? Where is Greek langauge as in v9???
And where is the "downloads page of Answers"?
Hello all,
As I said, as soon as the new languages are available, we'll add them in the downloads page at
We're working on the new translations for the user interface and they will be available as soon as possible.
Thank you!
Turkishversion ofthe V10Websitex5expectthe Turkishversion, pleasecan you inform mewhattime to come.respects
Good afternoon, Mr.Administrator.Turkishversion ofthe V10version ofWebSite X5youhave alreadyrequested.When willthe Turkish version, on oneversion, butupdatetheVersionIVersion10.0.0.2010.0.1.21version is available, buthe saysthere is noupdateto this versionwithin the programPlease helpRegardsReload thiswe say.
Hello Enver,
The version is a beta release. It means that it is available only to users subscribed to the beta channel at
When the stable release 10.0.2 will be available, you will be informed about it directly in the software's start page.
Thank you!
Ben WebSite X5 v10 satın aldım. Kullanamıyorum. Türkçe versiyonu bekliyorum. Teşekkürler.
WebSite X5 v10 I bought it. Not use it. Waiting for the Turkish version. Thank you.
mehmet yakut kardeş sana türkçe gönderiyorum
When will it bea good daydearadministratorTurkishversionv10v10expectsince itwas first introduced.Pleaseplease help