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Dr. V.
Dr. V.

S.o.s It Doesn't Open The Saved Files  en

Autor: Dr. V.
Visitado 549, Seguidores 2, Compartilhado 25  

S. O .sPosted by Dr. V. on 2011-11-05 15:19 Hello there: Thank you for sending the link to download the program WEBSITE X5 v.8 again, I did so, and inmediatelt startes to work in one of my projects, but saddly the same problem again. After saving my work and coming to continue the next day, when Itried to open my project a windowshows the following: C/DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS/WEBSITE.iwp ERROR WHILE PROJECT LOADING. This is second time Iam looking for help regarding the above-mentioned matter, but no to avail. Is there any answer to this problem? Is the program bugged? Is the program deffective? Is there any way to look, perhaps, for backup files? I suppose the program by default should keep backup files, if so how to get access to them? S.O.S. Please do not ignore this request, I bought the program thinking that it was good and I believed what is said in the advertinsing. Waiting for help. Dr. Victor Ramos.

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