Mail Data for Shopping Cart 
Autor: Ricardo Alves
Visitado 1955,
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Hello everyone! I need your precious help. I configured correctly my shopping cart, however, can not properly receive the 'mail order'. The 'mail order' appears incomplete, does not indicate the payment method and shipping (lookthe attached file). I already changed the server and updated the software. but can not solve the problem. Have you had this problem already? How is that resolved? Thank you, Ricardo Alves
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Hello Ricardo,
1) the image is missing because you probably didn't enter the correct URL in Step1, it chould be
2) The email should be correct. This is the copy for you where you only have to get the customer details and the ordered product. All the info about shipping and payment are sent to the customer in the email he will receive.
I have the same problem, I need to collect this information in my own copy, it's not enough that the customer get this information, I have set the payment method to cost 0,01 DKK and shipment to cost 0,01 DKK, then the information is also sent to me.
But what if I have 2 options, the customer come to me and gets the goods (no cost), or if he wants me to sent it freely, in this case, I don't know what the costomer have chosen, and need to contact the customer
. And it do not look seriously out, if you have 2 or more kinds of free delivery or payment methods, that you need to set this to cost something, to get the information
Lars Vinge
Howdo I knowif the clientwants to receiveyour order bymail orif you want togetin the store?
Howdo I knowthe payment methodchosen by the customer.The customercan choose to payfrom receivingthe orderor payby bank transfer...??!!!
Thisinformation is very importantto manageorders.
Pleasesay something.
Thank you,
Hello, now I can understand.
I think that they are not visibile because the price is zero. We now added these details even if the price is zero. You could use it with the new update we'll release soon. If you set your license key for the beta group you could use it immediatly as soon as we release this update. Please go to for more info.
Thank you.
Can youpleaseindicateapossibledatefor the newupgrade?
It is online as a beta... see the posts on the home page of Answers here.