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Patrick S.
Patrick S.

Problem using pictures for shop products !  en

Autor: Patrick S.
Visitado 1507, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

 I am currently setting up a webshop. All works fine and i am adding pictures for each product. I am encountering frequently that some pictures got lost after saving the project. I am getting no erros while saving but an image generation error is shown on the page instead of the picture. After i start the editor again and add these pictures again everythings fine. But this error keeps coming up frequently and is extremely annoying (not always the same products). Is this a known problem ? Any possible solutions ?

Publicado em

It maycome to thateffectexternal drivesand networkaccessto drives(includingnetwork access tolocal drives).

Remedy:to save theimage datalocallyand access locally.


Probablysystem-dependenttransit times

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Publicado em de JJ. JUAG
Patrick S.
Patrick S.

Its been a local access, and i accessed it localley. But i guess i figured out why or when this error happens. When I add a new product the software copies the image file from a local drive folder. But even though it seems that the software sometimes tries to update the pictures from already existing products (that i haven't updated or added). Since these "old" pictures aren't anymore within the directory he can't generate them and then they get the image generation error. When i keep all the files in the directory this error won't happen. No idea why it is like that , but thats how it seems to me !

Thanks anyways JJ !


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Publicado em de Patrick S.
Claudio D.

Hello Patrick,

I tried to duplicate the issue by following your steps but it didn't happen. Do you get the image generation error in the preview or after you uploaded it?

Many thanks!

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
Patrick S.
Patrick S.

I got it in after i used the upload function. I can still generate the error by deleting pictures (from already existing products) from my temporary work folder .. after 2 oder 3 updates the first pictures start to get lost and the page shows the image generation error. Just a curious question ... within the preview / images folder i can see the whole thunmbs pictures for every product. Why are there for some products 2 thumbs?  expample : 1301_thumb and 1301_thumb_35778v05 ??



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Publicado em de Patrick S.
Claudio D.

Hello Patrick,

If you replace inside the object the image with the same one it creates a duplicate with another name to avoid the problem with content with the same name. This happens also if the image is used twice in the program so that if you delete one, the other will continue to be present.

If you delete an image from the temporary work folder, if you press CTRL while you open the preview, it should recreate the whole page and add all images again. In any case it is not necessary to edit or delete elements in the temporary preview folder.

Can you please try to press CTRL with the preview to see if then the images are all again available?

Many thanks!

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
Patrick S.
Patrick S.

Hi Claudio!

There's no change when i use the CTRL and Preview. Still the same...

I am not certain if we missunderstand each other... I am decribing again what i do and what happens then (just to ensure we understand each other)

I have to fill the shop with about 500 products. I am having a seperate folder on my harddisk where i store the pictures i "resized" for the products page.

From within Website X5 i am generating the product and add the JPG file (i am selecting the drive folder on my harddisc where i put the resized ones in)

Website now generates the product and so far i can see puts in a copy of the selected jpg files within its own images folder.

To me it appears that all is done , Website X5 has all data and thats it.

Checking the preview , saving the project. All fine.

Now i am deleting the files from my harddisk folder where i had my resized ones in. I put ne resized pictures in and from Website X5 i am not generating new products and a new pictures. I am not touching or editing existing products anymore .

After i saved the project once or twice i am getting the "Image generation error" for some of the products i havent touched again. Their thumbnail pictures within the images folder is still existing or when i have the thumbnauils twice (with the different names from my previous post) one is fine and the other one "Image Generation Error".jpg

This only happens to products that have no image file within the harddisk folder where i put my resized ones in. If i keep the jpg files within that folder (and dont delete them) no image generation error appears anytime.

Beside losing some disc space and getting lost with all those images files in my resized folder i can go with it (uncomfortably). But as soon as i edit the webpages on my 2nd computer its over, getting this error and can't work on the page until i am home on my 2st computer .... its annoying

The decribed thing happens even tough using CTRL or not.

Hope i haven't decribed it too confusing :-/

Greetings Patrick

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Publicado em de Patrick S.
Claudio D.

Hello Patrick,

Many thanks for the accurate description. Unfortunately I still cannot reproduce the issue but I will try to create a project with more products to see what exactly happens so I can report it to the Developers.

Can you please try to open the preferences in WebSite X5 and then set the max simultaneous processes to 1 and then, add all images in the correct folder, so the program can find them by using CTRL + Preview and then remove these again to see if the same issue happens again?

Many thanks!

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
Patrick S.
Patrick S.

Hello Claudio !

I checked the following things out :

Processes 1 , All pictures in temporary work folder , CTRL + Preview : Error gone , everythings fine

So i played some more things

Processes 1 , NO pictures in temporary work folder, Preview : Error gone , everythings fine

Processes 1 , NO pictures in temporary work folder, CTRL+ Preview : Error gone , everythings fine

Processes 1 , All pictures in temporary work folder, Preview : Error gone , everythings fine

Processes 10 , NO pictures in temporary work folder, Preview : Error there

Processes 10 , All pictures in temporary work folder, Preview : Error gone , everythings fine

Processes 10 , NO pictures in temporary work folder, CTRL+Preview : Error there

Processes 10 , All pictures in temporary work folder, CTRL+Preview : Error gone , everythings fine

So whatever it is i was totally unable to reproduce it with processes set to 1 . The CTRL thing had no effect. With processes set to 10 (thats the default i guess) the error occurs as soon as i delete the pictures from my temperary folder. I also found out that not always the same pictures been "infected" its a random thing.

Greetings Patrick

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Publicado em de Patrick S.
Claudio D.

Hello Patrick,

Thank you very much for the test. Can you also tell me the specifics of your computer and if other programs were running in background with the processes set to 10?

It seems that the program cannot run more processes together and this is causing the issue.

Many thanks!

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
Patrick S.
Patrick S.

Hello Claudio

sorry about the delay , took some time.

Phenom II x4 965

12 GB Ram

Gigabyte GA870A-UD3

Gigabyte GeForce GTX460

Windows 7 Pro 64 Bit German Version

The Processes (beside all the Windows stuff) only been  Antivirus (Avira Antivir) .. all others been disabled and had no effect on that Problem

I will check another machine if the same Problem occurs.


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Publicado em de Patrick S.
Claudio D.

Hello Patrick,

Thank you very much for the further informations. It seems that it depends on a windows component that is not allowing the simultaneous processes to work correctly.

Please keep me updated.

Many thanks!

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Publicado em de Claudio D.