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Donald A.
Donald A.

Members Only page fails to open  en

Autor: Donald A.
Visitado 1428, Seguidores 1, Compartilhado 0  

I have tried creating a members only page with my new version 10. When I upload to web site the username and password I set up is not recognized and access is denied. I have tried as admin and group user neither allows me access to the specific page. The imlogin and imsearch php pages are definitely on the site. Not being an expert is there anything I am missing?

Publicado em
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Donald,

Are you absolutely certain that the username and password you are using is exactly the same as that defined in Step 4 Advanced Settings > Access Management?

Did you copy and paste any information?  If so, try entering it manually instead.

What is the exact error message you receive when 'access is denied'?

Kind regards,


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Publicado em de Paul M.