Autor: Lex GRANT
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Destination Folder I am attempting to Upload a Built Site in WebSiteX5 with One.com as our Server. One.com is up & running but Website X5 is providing me with a tad of Grief. I have uploaded the Build to C Drive @ a Folder named by them (WebSite X5 - Projects) which contains 2x Zipped Files. Now back in WebSite X5 they have a necessity to name the Destination Folder/File which I obediently do. Heaps of configurations on both the File & Folder Name later they just don't wish to know or accept. Haha, to be this close & frustrated is a bugger. I would appreciate some kindly person helping please.
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Hello Lex,
It sounds like you're a little confused as to how WebSite X5 works. In Step 5 you have the option to export your project locally to your C: drive, and you also have the option to upload your project to the internet. However, these options are distinct from one another, and the information required to configure the one is entirely separate from that needed to fulfill the other.
As you are attempting to upload to One.com, the zipped files you refer to in the WebSite X5 Projects folder are irrelevant. Instead what you need to do is direct WebSite X5 to upload your project files into the correct folder on your One.com server. As to which is the correct folder, you will need to obtain this information from One.com themselves. They will be able to tell you the name of the 'public' folder on your server.
In many cases, providing you configure your FTP details correctly, it is not necessary to make an entry in the 'Destination Folder' field. In some other instances WebSite X5 needs to be pointed to the correct folder by entering 'public_html', 'htdocs', 'www' or something similar... once again your webhost (One.com) can advise you.
Alternatively, read the help files on One.com and any information they give you via your online control panel.
It will also be useful to read the WebSite X5 documentation on configuring your project for upload:
Let us know how you get on!
Kind regards,
Thanks Paul !!!
I finally found help @ One.com
Lovely Chick who researched that I only needed to place the ROOT Symbol \
into the troublesome BOX and away it all went.
Ta to everybody so now I am off trying to fool Google into putting us right up there.
Catcha all @ an-other Problem