Inserting code 
Autor: Barry MaloneyI an attampting to insert code to an object on a page. I have tried a number of things without real success.
There is two section of code one is to be placed in the header and the other in the body. So I placed the header stuff under the expert tab on general settings. Then I put the body stuff on the page in a html and widgets object.
<link href="/rooms/index.php?controller=Front&action=loadCss" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="/rooms/index.php?controller=Front&action=loadJs"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/rooms/index.php?controller=Front&action=load"></script>
It nearly works but for the calandar is partly hiding. please look at
can anyone assist?