Shopping Cart Limitations 
Autor: Jack M.I have read post after post about the serious limitations in your program for e-commerce users. If I want to create a blog I'll use FREE WordPress. I see you made one improvement in Pro 10 version to cart by adding an extra option and dynamic content. Another consideration is for those that "drop" ship. I was very anxious to get your program and waited until Ver. 10 then weeks after out comes Ver.10 PRO. So now we all can spent $199 Euro for an extra option in the cart and dynamic content in a cell? I suggest you start listening to your customers. Many of us are throwing your software in the drawer and getting other solutions. It's a shame because you have a good program but you are only half way there! You should at least offer a fair upgrade option maybe you would keep some customers? Keep ignoring the issue and you will see your competition grabbing us up.
Hello Jack,
The difference between Evolution and Professional do not only refer to extra options to the cart and the dynamic content.
You have also the FeedReady app to send push notification to your rss feed followers, the tabs in the text and table object, the support for more audfio and video files format in the Audio/video Object to make it play natively on every device and browser, the access management allows you to register user accounts directly online and there's the Database integration for the user registration and for the ecommerce orders.
Many thanks!
"the support for more audfio and video files format in the Audio/video Object to make it play natively on every device and browser"
1.) So does this mean we can embed a video and not have to connect to YouTube?
2.) So does this mean the devise viewing the X5 Pro site does not need a player installed? E.G.: adobe flash player, win media player, etc.
Please explain.
Thanks a lot! Donald
Hello Donald,
Yes you can embed a video and add different encoding format of it so it will be natively supported by the browser so it will be played as HTML5 Video file instead of using a Flash Player.
Many thanks!
Browser Issues
I have read all about your Chromium Browser stating I can only review video and flash if I install Adobe Flash in Chromium. I have pasted your linl to Adobe and it does not take me where it clearly states how to get flash into your browser. Someone please provide clear solution to this issue.
flash is always a problem with devices not because they are bad, it becaus adobe make it that way, every browser needs to have flash player in order to play flash videos.
flash is not a only format available for videos, if you want every cell phone play your video and all browser(latest version) show it without adding any plugin, you need to convert your move/video to mp4.
mp4 is crossbrowser support with html5 video player.
if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.
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