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Corine V.
Corine V.

Responsive design  en

Autor: Corine V.
Visitado 6698, Seguidores 4, Compartilhado 0  

I make it simple. I want responsive design in websiteX5. I've been waiting for 2 years now. I've got 3 versions of X5, I like it very much, but now I'm going to look for other software, so I can make responsive design. It's necessary in 2014!

Hope you can tell me that websiteX5 coming soon (within a few weeks for me), with responsive design!

Kind regards, Corine van Ringen

Publicado em
Donald B.
Donald B.

Greeting Corine, it would be great if X5 released a RWD product in the near future. But I don't think it's going to happen. Many have asked, begged, pleaded and or gone almost insane to no response. I sent a long private email for all the reasons to be working on a RWD program. Like losing customers, potential customers and a "gold rush" to the company who has a functional RWD program. Or at least let us know X5 was working on it. I got the same standard answer. Sorry X5, two are already on the market and another letting their users and potential customers know it's on the truck to be delivered in the future.  I purchased X5 10 Pro last year.  I afraid I've made a donation to the BODs and stockholders.  Maybe we could pray?!

Kind Regards - Donald

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Publicado em de Donald B.
Donald B.
Donald B.

Also, please see my post in the ideas section:

(It's about responsive design.)

"An open letter to Incomedia regarding Website X5"

Thanks - Donald

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Publicado em de Donald B.
Wespenstich B.
Wespenstich B.


I am completly new on X5, but I worked for about 20 years with other software (several smaller and a really huge site, where I work in a design from 2008 and which should be renovated now).

X5 seemed to be the perfect software for us with almost everything, but I don't want to change and start with a new software without RWD. There will be about 300 pages to create, and they have to be responsive - not only scaled down.

So if Incomedia could tell me, that there are only a few weeks until they are able to offer it... If not, I'm sorry.

@Donald and Corine: How did you solve the problem?

Thanks - Wespenstich

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Publicado em de Wespenstich B.
Claudio D.

Hello Corine,

We are taking all requests in consideration and we try to improve the program keeping in mind what has been requested. Unfortunately I cannot tell you if and when a feature will be added but our developers are constantly working to add new features to the program.

Many thanks!

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
Kobus D.
Kobus D.

Good day, I am also looking at answers regarding a Responsive website. When developing sites for individual, small businesses, it may be satisfactory, but Corporate companies, definetly no!

I would like the software to adjust it's background, and content page to wider screens.

I can still live with developing mobile separately, but it would be better, as in the case with WordPress. It is so awesome to see your work adapting itself so to speak to a mobile layout.

For now, God Bless.

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Publicado em de Kobus D.
Robert Shroyer
Robert Shroyer

Claudio - Incomedia needs to at least tell us if they have decided to offer Responsive design or not. It may be that it is too hard for Incomedia to offer a version of X5 in Responsive design. Keeping us all in the dark is a BAD idea.You would be bette off if you were more transparent.

Also, this could be a feather in your cap at Incomedia. Reviews of other responsive designs say that they run slowly. If Incomedia could havea more efficient designthat ran fast, then you could attract many new customers. Think of it as a step into the future which you sooner or later need to make. Please do not ignore your customers. They are your best sales people!



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Publicado em de Robert Shroyer
Claudio D.

Hello Robert,

Unfortunately I cannot tell you if and when a certain function will be introduced.

The improvements introduced are always visible on and it will be notified on the official communication channels.

Many thanks!

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
Karol S.
Karol S.

I am also waiting to for this function. If within couple mounth nothing change I have found another program. 



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Publicado em de Karol S.
Karol S.
Karol S.

I am also waiting to for this function. If  nothing change I have to found another program. 

I am sorry for mistakes in previous post 



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Publicado em de Karol S.
Josue G.
Josue G.

Push Push Push !!! everybody needs a responsive design , common I have since X5 V8 , now I`m on V10 but I need RWD!!!! just let me know if you will integrate this function or not.... im so happy with this software but needs RWD , we have a different software options like wordpress and others so dont force me to change you out of my mind.



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Publicado em de Josue G.
Claudio D.

Hello Josue,

Unfortunately I cannot tell you if and when a certain function will be introduced.

The improvements introduced are always visible on and it will be notified on the official communication channels.

Many thanks!

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Publicado em de Claudio D.
Ernest S.
Ernest S.

The ONLY reason I bought X5 V10 was to create Responsive website.  Your add info says it will work on any hand device.  Infact your show pictures of iPhones pads etc.,  This is fradulent advertising and is not legal internationally.  I am very disapointed in your do nothing attitude to this most important international request.

Either you address this subject properly or be prepared to face some law suites in the near future.

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Publicado em de Ernest S.
Riccardo P.

Hello Ernest,

WebSite X5 Evolution 10, create site compatible with the mobile, usingobjectscompatible withthemobile device.

For the Responsive site you need insert a personal script/code html that does this.

Try to search guide or wait more information by the users of this community.

thank you.

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Publicado em de Riccardo P.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

we have 3 full screen templates that if viewed on mobile device automatically redirects to the mobile version, you can view all 3 demos here

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Publicado em de Jamie B.
Donald B.
Donald B.

("Hope you can tell me that websiteX5 coming soon (within a few weeks for me), with responsive design!

Kind regards, Corine van Ringen")

Hello Corine, with the release of the X5 11 Beta version and the new features PDF available our question about responsive has been answered. Unless I'm missing something it would appear it will be another couple years before the possiblity of RWD to be included in X5. If I'm missing that feature in the PDF someone please tell me. Otherwise how disappointing!

("@Donald and Corine: How did you solve the problem?

Thanks - Wespenstich")

Greeting W.B., I purchased another program out of the EU-UK. Keeping an eye on one here in the states to be released sometime this year. Looking at one out of France that has a fixed template with 4 break points.  Also another out of Italy that states their next release will have both features, of fit to any screen and break points. Out of respect for Incomedia I will not name the other programs.

Do the other programs have all the built-in features X5 has, or as easy to use? I say no for sure and not in my opinion. So as many, I would like Website X5 to be responsive.

My top two choices for a program are: Responsive and Native 64 bit, followed by ease of use and built in features/apps. Except for the native 64 bit program the rest can be worked around and by coding(as stated) which most of us would perfer not to learn or do.

Maybe someone would be so kind to post a fix for a page to fit to any screen (just across of course) not just the background and be able to scroll up and down. One can always check the W3C school and tutorials and create one. Which I'll do in my spare time........don't hold your breath though!

Kind Regards - Donald

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Publicado em de Donald B.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

At the moment v11 is basicall the same as v10 with a much improved interface, the only option for responsive design in x5 is to create a web template and a mobile template and then have it automatically redirect when someone goes on a mobile device, we have 3 full screen templates that do this on x5tuts so you can see how they work here

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Publicado em de Jamie B.
Bert Z.
Bert Z.

I bought the website x5 11 I have all the versions I was very disappointed to see that it was not a superior version to websitex5 professional Now I am starting to look else where. In the meantime I will still use the professional version. I feel that I have just waisted my money. Regards Bert.   

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Publicado em de Bert Z.
Bjorn Andreassen
Bjorn Andreassen

I totaly agree, Bert Z!!!

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Publicado em de Bjorn Andreassen
Donald B.
Donald B.

I suppose I should download the trial of Pro 11 and check it out before I make another donation. Wish they had a widget to redirect pages so we could have mobile pages in the same project. Here's my thoughts (most of another post 103736, Upgrade to Pro11 or not?)

Cannot decide to upgrade or not, and ride this out another 12 to 18 months to another release.  When I purchased Pro late last year I knew the next release would have some feature to help with responsive or mobile pages. Like a built in redirect to mobile pages within the project so your welcome or home page would fit on desktop or mobile. Or any other page you wanted have has dual. I also thought a native 64 bit program would be available for large sites or files. Wrong! Tells you what I know.

This responsive design is not a piece of cake for large websites unless you want all the same page layout. Each page has to be pushed to the break point you want, then all the objects rescaled, moved or removed.

A fit to any screen horizontally (fluid design) with a dual page mode or a mobile page redirect (responsive) built in would have been fine with me.

Are there programs on the market right now to do these things and another major player about to release one? Of course there are. Most are template driven so your layout is the same everypage. One suggests around 20 pages max and no site/links manager. One with dual page built-in, hasn't had a new release in over 8 years and uses html 4.0. People are going insane (well almost) inserting code to make things work. There is no magic wand for this.

Website X5 Pro has the most built in features on the market. Anyone who has looked at it or uses it knows that. This is great for the user and a nightmare for the developers and programmers. If you have a core program with add-ins it's easier to make changes to the core and then later to the add-ins. Not to mention trouble shooting and fixing bugs in a one ball does all program. So looking from the other side of the fence; Ok we've included almost everything the users have asked for in the this giant, most likely bloated and hard to manage program. And now we need to do what?! We really have to give the X5 team some slack here and be understanding. Are we ever going to see a program with all the features X5 has and be responsive? That is one tall order.

X5 could definitely use a PR spokesperson to keep the public up to date on fixes, new features and market trends. In today's world it's all about being transparent. The sales people want to know, because the customers want to know, because if you can't tell me and a competitor has it. Guess where I'm going?

I know for sure, in today's world, corporate pulls all the strings and micro-manages down to the lowest employee, so this is what I have to say to Incomedia: Unless all the sales money from X5 is going to charity, you might want to pay more attention to the customer and keep them better informed.

It's a shame we have to wait most likely another 12 to 18 months for another "major release" if you wish to call this latest one.

We've got 4-5 days left for the extra 15% and to end of the month for the 50% discount. I may purchase in support of the company and wait for bug fixes before using. And can only hope they give us something in the near future to help with mobile-responsive-fluid and or scale to fit any screen. Maybe some templates (free to the pro version!) with 3 or 4 breakpoints built in.

Ok I'm done (medium well please) burner turned back to simmer. Back to the hole I crawled out, someone kick the rock over the opening.



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Publicado em de Donald B.
Rodrigo R.
Rodrigo R.

I also buy all three versions, as a user we are in 2014 and WebSite X5 should have the option of Reponsivo Responsive Design or Design says, I dare say that many would pay up a little more if the new versions have really significant changes! It is a very good tool and should be updated! and not only make color changes and minor things

En español:

Yo también compre las tres versiones, como dice un usuariol estamos en el 2014 y websitex5 debería tener la opción de Diseño Reponsivo o Responsive Design, me atrevería a decir que muchos pagaríamos hasta un poco más si las nuevas versiones tuvieran cambios realmente significativos! Es una buena herramienta y debe de actualizarse!

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Publicado em de Rodrigo R.