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A. Remus
A. Remus

Creating an embedd code  en

Автор: A. Remus
Просмотрено 1604, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  


   Can someone please help me creating an embedd code for my website. I want to put some personal video files to my website. Unfortunetly i really do not know how to embedd the files.     I have hosted them on and but since they do not offer embedd code i get stuck. I know is there some services who offer embedd code but si full of ads. I do not have space to put directly on my website. I tryed linking directly in the app but is not working.

   I tryed dailymotion but they limit o 60 min and 2 files have 62 min so ... And youtube i really hate (i really have serious reasons), please exclude.

   Same issue with my photogallery hosted on smugmug. They offer embedd code but for just one photo not entire gallery.

   On teh internet many say is possible but no one explain how to be able to understend how.

   If someone want to help me please explain me like for dummies.

   Many thanks 

2 Ответы
Riccardo P.

Hello Remos,

you need wait more information about this by other users because i can't help you  avount the question of external code.

Thenk you.

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Размещено От Riccardo P.
A. Remus
A. Remus

i can only wait ... and hope

many thanks

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Размещено От A. Remus