Changing the text 
Автор: Steinar T.
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Sometimes I have to change the text from English to Norwegian-how do I do it?
Steinar T
You could use google translate. But you need to check it. It's not always very nice translated.
I made a website in English and used google translate from Dutch. Then I checked and corrected it a few times my self. After that I asked a friend in England to look at it and even then he made more corrections then I would have thought. It's a difficult issue.
But I think that is the best way, use google, then look at it, then try to find someone from the country itself to check. Maybe even someone here at Answers can help you out. There are enough different country's that use Answers.
Hei! Her er nok en missunderstanding. Jeg ønsker å endre teksten fra engelsk til norsk på forklarende tekst i programmet. Under "Nett-butikk" blir kunden bedt om å fylle inn navn-adresse osv. Dette ønsker jeg å endre til norsk tekst, da 90% av kundene er norske, og eldre mennesker som ikke forstår engelsk. Hvordan gjør jeg det?
Steinar T
Hello Steinar,
go to step 1 and then select as content language Norwegian. In this way the text added by the program will appear in the website in norvegian.
Many thanks!
***** Google Translation:
gå til trinn1 ogderettervelge såinnholdsspråknorsk.På denne måtentekstenlagt til avprogrammetvisespå nettstedetiNorvegian.
Mange takk!
Veldig bra!
Tusen takk.
Steinar T