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Shane M.
Shane M.

Design control in version 11  en

Автор: Shane M.
Просмотрено 2181, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I just downloded version 11. I have a few issues with it. Like the other versions, the websites don't import correctly into the new version and a few templates are missing. I would rather not redesign the websites every month that you come out with a new version. Now I have websites in 3 different versions. Is there a way to import them that i'm not seeing other than packaging them up with the previous version of webcreator that will seemlessly import into the new version?

  I did have 1 website come over and was able to find the template from the earlier version but there is no control of color for the footer/header where you can change the color of the images by choosing the layout color and using the slider to change the color even further. In version 11 the template is Comouter and software 41, in version 10 it is Business 41. Is there a way to change this as well that i'm not seeing?

These are the websites that I currently build with this software that i'm trying to import into the new version.

Thank you in advance for any help


1 Ответы
Claudio D.

Hello Shane,

For projects from Version 9 if a template is no longer present it will be necessary to rebuild it by using the images you can find in the template folder you find in the installation folder of the program under "program files". You will need to create a custom template and then import the images from the previous template so you can rebuold it to use it in Version 11.

Can you please send me a screenshot of what slider do you refer for the color of the header and footer?

Many thanks!

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