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James Becker
James Becker

Another x5 v11 bug??  en

Автор: James Becker
Просмотрено 1980, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I think this an other bug in ver 11. Have a look at the image.

2 Ответы
James Becker
James Becker

Sorry about that, I uploade the wrong image. Have a look at this one.

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Размещено От James Becker
Claudio D.

Hello James,

It is correct in this way. When you justify text also in word the last line is not moved to the end but it appears like in your screenshot.

It justifies all the other lines but the last will keep the lenght it has.

Many thanks!

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Размещено От Claudio D.