Evolution 9 - step 1 
Автор: Gokhan G.
Просмотрено 820,
Подписчики 1,
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I have a question about step 1: General settings
i bougt my domain name without www.
this is my domein : dijitalpazarlamagirisimcilikplatformu.com
Now is my question:
should I use the the domain with www. or without www.
Can i publish my website without www. and can i do that by stap 1: General - website url
just like this: http://dijitalpazarlamagirisimcilikplatformu.com
wat is the best choise and what can i do best?
Thank you..
Hello Gokhan,
You can use either prefix, but having chosen one you should then stick with that choice and be consistent when forming hyperlinks, etc.
Nowadays, the 'www' prefix is not required when accessing any site... try it and you'll see!
There are some technical reasons why it is best to point one prefix to the other, and ensure that all your web traffic enters your website by the same 'front door', so to speak.
For example, you can add the following code to the .htaccess file on your web server, which will force all visitors to the non-www address:
#Redirect www to non-www
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www.dijitalpazarlamagirisimcilikplatformu.com [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://dijitalpazarlamagirisimcilikplatformu.com/$1 [L,R=301]
Personally, I think the non-www version is more modern and cleaner, but the choice is yours.
Kind regards,
Arright, i understand, the most website i see is without www.
so, i must be change everything from now i think,
page url,
blog and blog article urls
social media urls
Google Analytics change to no www.
puffff, a lot of work...
Thanks for your help...