WebSite X5Help Center

Abhishek B.
Abhishek B.

How to create automatic ragistration?  en

Автор: Abhishek B.
Просмотрено 1887, Подписчики 3, Размещенный 0  

I have created a website at with auto ragister option but the problem cames when the user tries to ragiser. i created a database, and all necesarry data to it. but this won't work so anyone of you briefly explain me how to do that. i am new in this and i don't know how to resolve such problem :-? still what i have actually did is

1) Created a databse

2) added in the dadabase section

3)Created email form object and set its datasubmission to created database and inserted table as "estimator'

4)Then i go to Acess Management and in settings i have selected automatic ragistration than selected the same database and inserted the email.

So thats what i did and it's not working :( someone please explain me how to do that and i am not a professional at all so please don't use hard words.

Thanks in advance.

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Abhishek,

In the first instance could you please update your software to the latest release, as you are using a very old version at the moment.  This will rule out any known bugs as a possible cause of your issue.

You can download the latest version of WebSite X5 here:

Once downloaded right-click on the setup file and select 'Run as administrator'

You may have to add your licence details to your profile first.  You can do that here:

Kind regards,


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