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Ken T.
Ken T.

Videos in GoLive  en

Автор: Ken T.
Просмотрено 629, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I'm confused. I was using GoLive for html and to upload mp4 video's to my website and viewing them in Firefox with no problem. Now, with X5 Pro I can no longer view the same videos in Firefox on the same server when uploaded from X5, just Explorer. Why can I play mp4 files uploaded from my 20 year old program; GoLive on my server but not; X5?

1 Ответы - 1 Корректно
Ken T.
Ken T.

If I use a direct link to the mp4 on the server it plays fine in Firefox but won't play within the X5 website. I must be overlooking something.

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