Professional does not delete the pictures in folder images.
Автор: Aivars Abcwhyx5folderimageleaves thedirt?
programdoes not deletepictures ofcourseI'vedeletedallthe testimagesand otherdebrisremainsin the folderimage.notquality.x5tobeerasedpicturesand other files fromthefoldersif I'mdeleted.
itis not normalif Inowhave to goseparatelyand each timemanuallycleanedfolderimage.ithas to be donex5.
it seems to me incomprehensible,
I buy the x5 profesional, but the system is a beta version with a lot of mistakes. or the price was about the beta version? profesional no amateur program with a lot of mistakes, right?
supports allow a quicker response, however, we have paid the money and x5 is for us to work at full capacity rather than the beta test x5 for your money.
excuse me, I want to work with x5 rather than to test your program.
Please Respond more quickly to any problems with x5.
Hello Aivars,
Which x5 folder are you referring?
Do you refer to the image folder online on your hosting server?
If yes the ftp protocol does not delete the images no longer used but leaves them on their place.
If you don't want to have them online, like with every ftp protocol export, you need to delete them manually. As alternative you can delete all content online and then make a complete export online so only the updated and necessary files are online.
Many thanks!
Hello Claudio,
Thank you, I will examine your recommendation and write the answer.
Yes, its ok, thank you.