Blog Post display on page 
Автор: Heather Risher
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Greetings and happy Holidays,
I am working on my website design and I want to place my current blog post on the main page (not the welcome page - this is a disclaimer). I have a page linked for the Blog Lists (my archive), but would like to have the newest Post visible from the front page (so one doen't have to go to the blog itself to see the newst post).
Is there a way to do this?
Thank you!
yes you can, go to your homepage, on the right side you will see drop down menu, next to it there 2 gears, click on them.
now under widget find Blog widget,click on it, it shows its free, click on it to instal, it will ask for your password, use your loging information that you use to log in here, after download, at the top hit the ok.
now from drop down menu choose widget, now you can see the blog widget over there, drag and drop it in any page you would like to.
for first time on the page it will show you a message that your page needs to be php, hit ok button.
congrats, you are done.
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Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m)
Thank you.
Is there a way to get it to show the whole post, not just the title, author, and caption?
with what I see it suppose to show all of it as it shown in the dummy preview. I think it has bug and need to be fixed. I will write to Incomedia staff to ask about it.
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Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m)
So I guess I have a bigger question about the blog widget then. I have two diiferent things I would like to use it for:
1 - I would like to use it as an archive. Each of my blog posts will be for a new podcast and I would like to have a page with a list of past archives so visitors can reference them and find them easily.
2 - I would like to have the current blog post displayed on my front page (along with some other information that I already have set-up). Right now, I can put the entire post in the caption area, which displays it all.
This however makes using for the 1st thought a little ridiculous as it will also show the entire blog post rather than just a title and a possible short caption summarizing the show.
Maybe I am missing something?
Blog Widget will not show your blog archive.
I think you are more interested to having a blog, not a website.
Why don't you set your blog as your home page? in that case, when visitors go your website, first thing they will see is your blog page!
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Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m)
Thanks for the answer Anthony. Just means I need to get creative for my archive.
I am currently using a blog for our website but need more than what a blog has to offer.
Thank you for your insight!