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Frank C.
Frank C.

Website does not behave like Preview  en

Автор: Frank C.
Просмотрено 2057, Подписчики 1, Размещенный 0  

I created MOST of a website, and published it at  The preview (within Website X5) works just like I expect it to.  The published site is a disaster.  If I enter the url, the home page opens just as expected.  If I then go to one of the other pages, that works too.  But if I try to go back to the home page, I get error 404.  I suspect that this may be related to the lack of a sitemap.  I thought I created one, but it doesn't appear on its page, even in the preview.  Any help greatly appreciated.

This is not the only problem, just the most visible.  The 'preview' website works flawlessly.

3 Ответы
Frank C.
Frank C.

I think I solved my own problem.  I created a directory public_html and reloaded my site into it, instead of into the root directory.  So far, so good.  I know I'm a rube at this, but I can't understand why in the world the X5 uploader wouldn't create whatever directory structure a website needs.  Mystified, but at least temporarily happy.

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Размещено От Frank C.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.

I check your website, everything looks great, back button works, tabs all are working (back and fort).

Problem in your browser, hold the Ctrl and hit F5, let it reload the website.

I cheked with mozila, and google chrome.

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Размещено От Anthony A.
Anthony A.
Anthony A.


every host has different path for root, at the time when you creating your ftp account, you can easily point it to the root (www or public_html or any root name of your server), and give the info (user and pass) to the x5 uploader (leave destination folder empty).

some names are being reserved inside webhost softer for security reason.

as far as sitemap, the one you did the check mark on step1 is for google map and has xml extension, for your website x5 will create a page automaticly and called imsitemap.html

you can create any tab or picture or text and link it to

if this post is the correct answer, please mark this answer as correct answer.


Good Luck (6 months free Web Host for x5 users, promo code: usx56m) (Templates and support for x5)

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Размещено От Anthony A.